Karra Lee

The leaf village is the largest and most powerful shinobi village in the land of fire. Its shinobi are legendary in power and wisdom and the village is feared and honored as the village of the three great Sanin.

“Guy sensei! Guy sensei!” Lee ran up to his master with a large smile planted on his face.

“What is it Lee?” The tall ninja in green asked as he did his six hundredth squat before going on his twenty mile run.

“The Lord third has summoned you to his office.” Lee saluted.

Guy stopped and smiled letting his teeth shine in the sunlight. “Thanks Lee how about we race to the Hokage’s building.”

“Yes sir!” Lee who was already standing straight pulled his body even more straight. They took their places Lee knowing he could never beat his sensei but would do his best anyway because he loved to prove to his sensei he was a splendid shinobi.

“Ready….set…go!” Guy shouted and they were off running leaving a line of dust in the streets of the leaf village.

When they reached it in only a few seconds Guy was standing as Lee came up just a second behind. “Wow Guy sensei you’re fast.“ Lee exclaimed.

“Don’t worry Lee someday I believe you will beat me…but not today“ He smiled sticking up his thumb encouraging his young student.

“Really?“ Lee’s eye popped in awe of his master and hero. Guy patted Lee’s head and left him going up into the large Hokage building. Smiling and sticking out his thumb to every one he saw inside until he reached the top office.

“You asked to see me Lord Hokage.”

The chair turned and Sarutobi the third Hokage sat back with a reserved smile on his face. “Yes Guy….I called you here to tell you that our mission to the Land of Snow concerning the Ice Rogue Faction is now completed.” It was a difficult and dangerous mission that had taken ten years, he was beginning to worry over the integrity of his operative.

“You mean sir…she’s.”

Now the third’s smile grew. “Yes Guy she’s coming home.” He leaned forward and handed him a note. “She will be here tomorrow.”

Guy took the note and read it he was visibly trying to keep him self from jumping around. He stood straight and saluted just like his student with tears in the corner of his eyes. “Thank you sir for letting me know.”

“Of course….dismissed.”

Then Guy ran out so fast, the wind that blew rattled the curtains of the windows. A quiet chuckle was heard from the office of the third Hokage.

Guy ran to his best friend, the only one who knew her like he did. “Kakashi!” He stopped in front of the lanky aloof ninja as he was reading his book.
Kakashi sighed and closed his book noticing his friend’s abnormally energetic greeting. (which was saying something) “Yes Guy, what is it?”

Then tears began streaming down the face of the overdramatic ninja. “She’s coming home Kakashi! After fifteen years she’s coming home.”

It took him only a moment to put together what Guy was blabbering about. Under his mask he smiled just slightly and put his hand on Guy’s shoulder. “When?”

“Tomorrow…Lord Hokage just informed me.”

“I’m happy for you Guy. I’m sure she will be glad to be home as well after such a long mission.” Kakashi said. He also knew that she was different now than what she was then. He wasn’t sure Guy was ready for how she had changed. He was about to warn his friend but then Guy took off again probably to go tell everyone in the village. He sighed hard again rolling his eyes before reopening his book.
Naruto and Sakura were walking just in front of Sasuke who was straggling behind as always acting like he didn’t care about anything when Guy stopped in front of them laughing.

“What’s so funny Bushier brows Sensei?”

Guy smiled his teeth gleaming again. “Nothing in particular… Naruto have you seen Lee?”

Naruto stood frowning, he was even more confused than normal when it came to Lee’s teacher. “Uh….I saw him in the exercise yard just a few minutes ago.”

“Thanks!” Guy said then ran off leaving a trail of dust behind him.

Sakura and Sasuke came up beside Naruto watching the Jonin run away. “Is it just me, or is he acting stranger than normal?” Sakura asked blushing when she realized how close Sasuke was to her. Naruto and Sasuke just nodded then they began walking like before towards Ichi Rakku.
Guy stopped and watched his prize student as he kicked the exercise dummy counting to four hundred. He cleared his throat causing his student to stop and look over at him. “Guy sensei! What is it?” Lee noticed the look in his sensei’s eyes.

“Lee I have an important mission for you. It’s a personally favor you might say.” Guy put on his serious face. (which was barley serious and more like he was concentrating too hard.)

Lee stood straight and saluted as he always did. “Anything for you Guy Sensei!”

Tears built up in Guy’s eyes as he wiped them away he pursed his lips to fight them from coming again. “There is someone special coming tomorrow and I need you to help me make everything ready for her.”

“Her?” Lee’s eyes widened and his jaw dropped.