Karra Lee

She didn’t wake until two hours before sunrise the next day. She yawned taking and put the kunai away then stood up noticing a new flower sitting on the windowsill. She walked over and picked it up. It was a lotus, she smelled it and looked out the window wondering how he got in without her noticing. By the time she took a shower and got ready she met her brother in the exercise yard… he was there already warming up.

“Good morning are you ready to be beaten little sister?” He asked stretching his arms then his legs.

She crossed her arms lifting her eyebrow. “You haven’t been able to beat me yet Big brother.”

“Ha-ha! I’ve gotten better and I never give up!” He smiled, then suddenly his face got serious. “I’m not a kid anymore Karra.”

She remembered her conversation with Kakashi and grimaced then replaced it with a smile. “We’ll see dirt-eater.” She laughed. His nickname dirt-eater was a name she gave him because he always ended up eating dirt when they sparred. “Go!” She said then they began. They both disappeared going so fast no one could keep up.
Breathing hard they stopped and she wiped the sweat off her forehead, smiling mischievously when she saw his face was scuffed and a bruise that would be there tomorrow over his eye. “Are you sure you want to keep going dirt-eater, you look a little beaten up?”

He let out a sigh and widened his stance. “Let’s go I won’t hold back this time.”

She knew he was serious and she nodded then he disappeared but she felt him behind her and before he knew it her foot was smashing into his face. He slammed into a tree then before he could recover she was there to pummel his stomach and then another kick sending him sideways but he recovered and came back with a hard hit to her jaw then stomach sending her back. She caught the ground steadying herself with her hand clawing into the dirt and bolted at him. The onlookers were gathering as streaks of their movements clashed around the exercise yard. Then they both slammed into a rock sending shards flying and when the dust cleared she was standing opposite of him.

“You have gotten better.” She smirked. He was slumped his one arm hanging at his side she walked over to him and gently put his arm around her. “Come on let’s get you patched up.”

“I’m fine…we should do this again tomorrow.” He laughed and smiled almost as if nothing had happened but she saw through it. She mocked a punch to his side and he winced.

“Let’s go Guy.” She warned and he finally nodded. As they were walking out of the exercise yard she caught a glimpse of Kakashi with two of his students.
“Karra I heard you were back.” Karra stood in the hospital when she heard Kurenai walking up. They hugged. She smirked as Asuma walked up behind her.

“I see some things have changed.” Karra said raising her eyebrow when Asuma stopped beside Kurenai.

Kurenai cleared her throat. “So…how long will you be on leave?”

“As long as the Hokage thinks I need to be.” She looked in the room where Guy was being treated and saw he was standing and walking out.

“Hey Asuma, Kurenai. Back from your mission I see.” Guy said smiling big as always.

“It went well, with only minor injuries.” Asuma said then he glanced at Kurenai.

“Um…we have to go, I have shopping to do.” Kurenai said and looked away when Karra shook her head slightly smiling.

“See you around.” She called to Kurenai.
Kakashi blocked a kick from Naruto and then a hit from Sakura then dodged a kunai knife thrown by Sasuke. They were getting tired and sweaty but Kakashi wasn’t even winded. He back flipped and threw three knives hitting each of his students catching their collars, pinning them to trees.

“Well I guess that’s enough for today.” Kakashi said and walked away.

“Hey Kakashi sensei! Wait! What about me?” Naruto called his collar was caught high in the air as he hung from the middle of a tree.

Walking through the streets Kakashi saw Iruka standing beside a man talking. He paused when Karra stopped beside Iruka. He leaned against the flower shop’s wall to listen.

“Karra did you want to join me at Ichi Rakku?” Iruka asked seemingly nervous.

Karra smiled big. “Sorry Iruka I had plans already for lunch.” Kakashi thought she was just letting him down easy when the other man put out his arm, she placed her hand on his and they began walking away. Surprised he walked up to stand beside Iruka, they watched them go.

“I just wasn’t quick enough.. I guess it was only a matter of time.” Iruka rubbed his neck and turned around to walk away. Kakashi watched a little longer before he disappeared.
Karra walked up the steps to her apartment followed closely by Hake. When she got to her door she turned biting her lower lip looking at the seemingly plain man with dark eyes and hair. “It was a lovely lunch.” She smirked since they had actually spent the entire day together.

“When I do something, I do it right.” Hake bowed his head and laughed. He stepped closer to her and was just about to bend his head to kiss her.

“Am I interrupting anything?” Kakashi said appearing beside them.

“Yes!“ Karra growled glaring at the wide eyed shinobi, trying to look innocent.

“I’ll see you tomorrow.” Hake said gently touching her hand and smiled walking away. Kakashi watched him go until he was out of sight. He caught the punch Karra threw at his head.

“What do you know about him?”

She growled in frustration and opened her door going in and slammed it. She stalked into her room and sat hard on her bed. “I didn’t say you could come in.” She growled looking over at Kakashi crouched on her window sill.

“You didn’t say I couldn’t either.”

She stood up clenching her fists. “I’m saying it now, get out!”

“Answer my question and I’ll leave.”

She turned to look at him and he was standing closer now looking intently at her. She wished he wouldn’t do that. “He’s a merchant, he deals in oils.”

“He travels to the land of Snow every year, don’t you think that’s suspicious?” Kakashi took another step closer.

“Yes, a merchant who deals in oils, travels to a land that’s cold and needs heating oil.” She met his gaze. “He must be a spy. Who else would be interested in me?” She shouted sarcastically.

“That’s not what I meant…I.”

“Kakashi!” She said stopping him. “He’s a nice man, a man who shows when he cares for someone.” The silver haired shinobi's expression was blank. After a moment he nodded and walked out. She sat hard on the bed feeling like she was going to cry. Ever since she got back it was like a wave, she couldn’t control anything anymore. Maybe the Hokage was right to take her off duty.