Rin's child


“Aren’t you going to help?” Kagome shouted at Sesshomaru while Inuyasha stood beating on the light bubble trying to break through. He just stood there staring.

“Damn! Even red Tetsusaiga isn’t breaking through that barrier.” Inuyasha swore breathing heavily.

Then suddenly a scream of pain came from the light sphere.

“Rin!” Kagome shouted.

In an instant Sesshomaru moved, his Tokijin out. “Dragon Strike!” He called out as a cyclonic wave came from his sword hitting the light barrier hard sending shards of rocks flying from all around but not even denting it. Without stopping at Rin’s constant cries of agony Sesshomaru relentlessly hit the shield with his blade and two more Dragon Strikes before jumping back. Inuyasha glanced over at his brother never before seeing him like this.

Sesshomaru clenched his teeth just as the light trickled away to the ground Revealing Rin lying on the ground. Audrain stood her once blue hair now gray her once tan skin now pallid. Her once red eyes now black.

“What have you done to her?” Kagome shouted running to Rin whose body was covered in a pale light.

Audrain smile devilishly. “I did what she asked. And now for my payment. I will feast on all your bones to replenish my energy!”

“Dragon Strike!”

“Wind Scar!”

The two brothers said in unison as their attacks converged on Audrain. Kagome huddled over Rin’s glowing body to protect her from debris. Jaken came over also to make sure Audrain didn’t try to take her first.

When the smoke cleared there was nothing there. Sesshomaru looked up and saw Audrain clutching the wall smiling down at them. “Even in my weakened state you are no match for me!”

Sesshomaru jumped up and sent an arc of light at Audrain, while Inuyasha waited for her to move. Once he saw where she was going he attacked.

“Wind Scar!”

Kagome looked on in awe. Never before had the brothers worked together like that. She watched as one attacked and one waited for an opening. No pushing or arguing just focus. Kagome knew Sesshomaru had to know that Rin was pregnant. He had the same heightened sense of smell as Inuyasha. He must have put it together. Inuyasha was fighting to save a child that brought back his past.

The light around Rin’s body began to fade in the thunderous noise of battle. Kagome looked around knowing the cavern wouldn’t survive much longer. When she turned back to Rin she gasped. Her black hair had turned silver and shining. Her skin was pale and she had purple marks on her cheeks just like Sesshomaru’s. “She’s a demon.” Kagome said to herself now sensing the aura around her. There was no doubt, she was a full blooded demon. Jaken turned when she said that.

“Rin?” He said astounded.

“Dragon Strike!” Sesshomaru shouted as Inuyasha was getting up from under a pile of rocks that fell on him. The wave hit Audrain who was slowing now. Sesshomaru had used his dragon strike as many times as he could and sheathed Tokijin. Audrain stumbled up her chest burned and her body mangled but her black eyes trained on Sesshomaru then turned to Rin lying beside Kagome.

“I’ll take care of you first. Then I’ll have enough strength.” She moved.

“Backlash wave!” Inuyasha sent his most powerful attack but Audrain expected it and dodged. The shockwave hit the already weakened cavern wall. Loud cracks sounded as the cavern began to collapse. Sesshomaru ignored it and ran to head off Audrain.

“Kagome! Get Rin out of here!” Inuyasha yelled dodging large boulders.

Kagome nodded and with Jaken’s help they tried to get Rin’s unconscious body onto the two headed dragon to get her out. The roof collapsed letting in the sunlight of the outside. Getting on Rin and Jaken and Kagome took off on the two headed dragon. Audrain looked up and screamed.

“I’m your opponent.” Sesshomaru said coming at her with his poison strike. Audrain tried to avoid his attack but the Great Dog Demon’s son wasn’t about to give up while the rocks threatened to bury them both. Audrain lashed out desperate with her teeth, but he jumped and came down hard punching his poison claws through the demon. Another large boulder fell, Sesshomaru barely jumped out of the way in time but Audrain was crushed under it.

As the two headed dragon came to the opening Inuyasha was already jumping and making his way out. Kagome noticed Rin stir. “Rin.”

The rumble and shaking of the cavern’s collapse made Jaken loose his balance and fall off the two headed dragon into the darkened death pit. “Jaken!” Kagome cried.

Movement made Kagome’s hair blow as she noticed Rin was gone. A blur jumped from rock to rock and grabbed Jaken and just as Kagome and the two headed dragon exited the cavern as it sunk into the earth. Inuyasha was high in the air and landed safely. Then Kagome saw Rin holding Jaken. She landed softly with the little demon staring astounded at Rin who had just saved his life.

“Rin…” He stuttered. But just as Rin stood straight she began falling over still weak from the transformation. Kagome landed and hopped off Ah-Un to go to Inuyasha.

Before Rin hit the ground Sesshomaru was there and scooped her up. “Oh Lord Sesshomaru I’m so glad you’re ok. …Not that I ever thought a lowly demon like Audrain could ever defeat you my lord. I was just…” His babbling was lost on Sesshomaru who was staring at Rin.

“Jaken.” He said finally. “Let’s go.”

He began walking away. “Hey Sesshomaru!” Inuyasha yelled.

Sesshomaru stopped but didn’t turn his head. “Next time we meet, I will defeat you and take Tetsusaiga.” He said calmly then began walking again.

“Yeah you just try it! I don’t care if you have a kid or not I’m going to taker you out one day, Sesshomaru!” Kagome and Inuyasha watched as he walked away with Rin in his arms. “Heh. He hasn’t learned anything and he never will!” Inuyasha crossed his arms scowling.

Kagome smiled. “I think he has. He just won’t admit it.”

“Ah I love happy endings.” Myoga said starling Kagome. Her eyes narrowed.

“Of course Myoga you coward.” She swiped him off her shoulder.

“Come on let’s go home.” Inuyasha said quietly touching Kagome’s hand. She turned to him.
