
Explosions rocked the palace again and the sound of fighting echoed down the long hallways. Jacky and Luke were running now. Luke was trying to keep his sense out for anyone who might be a danger but he was to weak to see past the next corner. He grabbed a sword that hung on he wall and held it firmly just in case. “Can you use that?” Jacky asked as they moved further towards the chaos.

“I’ve learned how to kill by any means necessary Jacks. You were right when you said we had both changed.”

She didn’t say anything for a while after that until they came around a corner and stopped. Mace was fighting with a rebel. Luke stood straight and took Jacky’s hand again. Knowing fighting Mace would be bad he calmly walked with Jacky behind him while Mace was distracted but being an exceptional weapons master he dispatched his opponent before Luke got them around the corner to take the long way around.

“Luke!” He shouted and Luke stopped.

“Mace. How are the lines of defense holding up?”

The Black Born grimaced. “They got half of the prisoners out by distracting us along the southern walls. It seems they were coming after the king again as well.” His icy eye slid to Jacky. “What are you doing with her you should be on the front lines.”

He swallowed. “I’m taking her back to her room where she’ll be safe for now. Then I have orders to take the offensive on the walls.” He almost winced knowing he had just made a mistake.

Luke saw a twitch in his throat. Luke turned around and took two steps away letting go of Jacky’s hand and twisted blocking the first strike. “Mace don’t do this!” Luke shouted blocking another strike and another.

“I don’t know why,but I know you’re lying to me and I know you’ve done something by the look in your eyes. Tell me I’m wrong!” Mace screamed pushing Luke back against the wall.

“No!” Luke spun avoiding a slice that would have cleaved him in two. “I can’t. I’m sorry my friend but I can’t tell you that.” His telepathy was the only thing keeping him alive. He could read what his next move was a split second before he did it. It was training Mace and him often did while they were still initiates.

“The king is dead!” Shouting came down the corridors. Mace’s face went pale and he stumbled back staring at Luke. Jacky was standing against the wall far enough away so she wouldn’t be hurt.

“Tell me that wasn’t you.” Mace said absently and for the first time Luke saw his hands shake. He gripped his sword tightly and struck out not able to lie to him. Mace wasn’t caught off guard though and he blocked. “Traitor!” Mace’s fury came on like a switch and his body moved on instinct. Luke was barely able to keep up. His mind was blank now there was no way to know what his next move would be.

“Luke!” Jacky screamed. Another explosion erupted not far from them making paintings fall and part of the ceiling crumble. Luke and Mace both fell to the floor from the tremors. As they both got to their feet they stood just by the corner Luke knew they had to get around and soon before the palace comes down on top of them.

“Jacky run! Get to safety!” Luke shouted unsure he could defeat Mace.

“No I won’t leave without you!”

He swore under his breath still on the defense trying not to loose too much ground. Mace was in a deadly focus his expression had gone blank. Then time slowed as Mace sliced through Luke’s hand causing his sword to go flying across the floor and knocking him to the ground. There was a moment when mace brought up his blade to plunge down that Luke heard Jacky scream. His mind held onto his last thought knowing there was nothing he could do to stop the tip from going through him. Then a blade punched through Mace causing time to restart again. Luke crawled backwards as Mace fell to the ground dead. Luke’s eyes followed the body, Mace’s open eyes held shock fear and contempt as they went empty.

“Lex!” Jacky cried running past him making him look up. Lex held the short sword in his hands stained with Mace’s blood. Jacky ran into his arms. “I was so afraid.”

He held her and Luke saw him smile contently. “I’m sorry Jacky, for everything.” He said pulling her away from him to look at her while she wiped away her tears.

Luke got up slowly. “Um… reunion later. We have to get out of here. I assume you have an exit strategy.” He said to Lex.

The brown haired boy smile smugly. “I knew I could count on you Luke. Let’s go, this way.” Jacky came back to help him while Lex took point.

“Commander Lex!” A very large man shouted as they went around the corner. He lopped down the hall. When he stopped he glared at Luke. “What’s he doing here sir?”

Lex patted the big guy on the shoulder like he was a child. “It’s alright Gams. He’s with me.” The large man reluctantly nodded but then his eyes found Jacky.

“Is this..” He began and Lex nodded. He bowed his head and put his fist to his chest. “It’s an honor to meet the sister of Commander Lex. He’s told us allot about you.”

“Alright Gams, enough, let’s go. The king is dead, mission complete.”