I need to know!

DKL:Lonely, Drinking, can't sleep?!?!?! I must help him!
TW:Yes! And of course, Uruha-san suggested some brand of liquor that helps with insomnia. BAAAD Uruha-san!!!
DKL: Uruha!!!!! I must now more then ever! Thanks TW it was nice talking to you.
TW:Same. Take care and tell me what happens!
DKL:I will. Bye! *hags up phone* Now where did Kai go...? Oh I know!

*ring, ring, ring,*

DKL:Hey Kaikai!
Kai:Oh hi Kitty-chan. I was thinking of you, I miss you.
DKL:Awww, I missed you too! Oh yeah I was about to for why I called...*sign* Kai-
DKL:Um...Ugh, I'll just say it! Doyouwanttomoveintogether?!?!
Kai:Do you want what? I didn't really understand you.
DKL:Ok, I have a better idea. Let's meet for lunch, k! At the usual place,k?
Kai:Sure, see you there Kitty-chan. Take care.
DKL:k, same, bye!


Kai:So what did you want to talking about Kitty-chan?
DKL:I wanted to know...If you wanted to move in together...?
Kai:......*kisses DKL* Why didn't I think of that before?
Kai:Yes. *smiles*
DKL:AHHHHHHHHH!!!!! I'M SO HAPPY!!!! *jumps at Kai* I've been so lonely with out you. I love you to much to be with out you!
Kai:I can't imagine a life with out you either.
DKL:Heehee! *kiss* Now how will I take my things to your place? Coz my house is to small for us both and you know it.
Kai:I'll take care of that don't worry.

Well wish us luck!
