Up and out!

~9am DKL is still sleep as Kai tries to wake her up~
Kai:Kitty babe...Come on wake up...!
~DKL pulls the bed sheets over her head Then kai starts to poke her~
DKL:mmmm...Kai leave me alone. We just got back last night let me sleep!
Kai:Come on! ~pulls the sheets off the bed and jumps beside DKL~
DKL:Hey! You jerk!
Kai:Please can you wake up now? ~brushes his hand though her hair~
DKL:*sigh* Oooook, what is it?
Kai:Well it's already the 8th and we haven't put up any Christmas decorations at all. Usually right after thanksgiving you beg me to start putting things up, but not this year.
DKL:Well what can I say, I'm feeling lazy this year.
Kai:You...Lazy, even for Christmas? You feeling ok?
DKL:Yeah I'm fine. Why?
Kai:Well for starters you haven't up any Christmas stuff, you haven't tolled anyone what you want for it, you NO plans for Christmas eve and you haven't been calling every one and annoy them by it. Need I keep adding?
~DKL pauses a moment~
DKL:Well...This year...I feel different about it and all I want, ALL I want is to send it with you and be happy. I don't expect any gifts or such all I want is you. *kisses him*
Kai:Well then, why don't we go got the tree and set everything up together today?
DKL:But don't you have a meeting or something today?
Kai:Yeeees. But that's later on.
DKL:Don't you need to get things ready for it?
Kai:Yes, but I tolled it's later on! Don't worry about it. *kisses her fore head* You really need to stop worrying about that.
DKL:*yawns* Ok ok then. I'll go get changed then. ~gets up and goes in to the bathroom~
Kai:Oh I made breakfast for you.
DKL:Wha?! I love your cooking but when am I going to cook for you?! I need the practice ya know.
Kai:*laughs* You can try for dinner.
DKL:Maybe I'll make some thing new then! As a future chef I need to make new things!
Kai:Now that's more like you! Now guess what I'm going to do.
DKL:Change me...?
Kai:Now that I'll, do but later. You have one more chance.
DKL:Um....Um....Buy me some thing new for tonight?
Kai:No. Now you'll have to wait a see. ~smiles~
