My class in...yaoi couples???

Hello nice pplz who willread this world!

So today at lunch me and a friend got bored. So we started talking about a guy we hate in our class and how him and his best friend would make a cute (but stupied) yoai couple and we just kinda started making a whole long list of pairings in our class! It was genuis! Only there aren't a lot of boys in our class so we made a few form ppl we know in other classes. By then we ran out of boys. (We don't know a lot of ppl) So we went onto girls in our class, so when the last girl (uneven class) was friend thought she would change it a bit. She put me with one of my other best friends and the girl we had with here became a dog...long story. So there wouldn't have been anything wroung with me being paired up with me bff except...well lets put it this way shes a dirty mined freak who is obsessed with some guy named kyle off of southpark! She also scares me...nothing would be wroung if we hadn't told her cause now she kepts treathing me like a little-bitty clueless uke...and shes the seme.

This isn't very good for me! I'm doomed.....We aren't even going out in real life!! And anyways shes scary...oh well.

In other news...i'm bored well bye!
