Warning: This first paragraph contains fanboying.

OHMYFLIPPINGGOD!!! Dir en grey's new simgle, 'Glass Skin', is to be released on September 10th, squeeee!!! I WORSHIP YOU, KYO-SAMA!! Their new tour, THE ROSE TRIMS AGAIN, is to start off on the same day. No overseas dates, yet.

Okay. That aside. >>; Toshi, vocalist of X Japan, has begun to form a new band, called 'Toshi and T-Earth'. The band includes JUN, ex-Phantasmagoria member, as well as Touya from Charlotte. Ain't too many details on them, 'cept a couple dates for their tour. No overseas dates.

Also. The X Japan world tour has been postponed. Not much information released. 'Cept, accoriding to Wiki (in other words, I'm not sure if it's true or not) that Yoshiki is suffering from a physical injury which is preventing him from travel by plane. Err. 'Pparently, they are potential resurfacings of previous serious damage to his neck and back. It has also been reported that Yoshiki in the recent X Japan lives acted against medical advice, and, as a result, he is hardly able to move in his home in L.A., where a team of medicl staff are currently helping him. We can only hope the best for him, and that he gets better, soon...

S'yeah. Basically that's all... Whewt. Darrin out, loves.
