'Glass Skin'~~~...

'Kay, this is just a bit of Dir en grey fanboying from me.

Dir en grey's new single, 'Glass Skin', set for release on SEptember 10th, will have three B-sides. A live recording of 'Ryojoku no Ame' from May twenty-third, 2008 recorded at the Yokohgama Blitz. Another will be a re-make of the song 'undecided'. It's said to match the band's current sound. And, if you've heard the song, you'll know it's really slow, calm, and pretty and stuff. So, it'll be interesting to hear a new-version of it. Also, 'Agitated Screams of Maggots'. The. Unplugged version. Ah hah. That'll be interesting...

Anyways. Yeah. Rentrer en Soi interview on Tainted Reality, tonight, so. Tune in~~~.
