News: All Star Superman Movie

On February 22, Warner Bros. will be releasing the 10th installment of the direct-to-DVD film series "DC Universe Animated Original Movies", which is titled "All Star Superman". While this is the series' first PG-rated installment, this is also the first film in the series since "Justice League: The New Frontier" (2008) to be based on a specific comic book limited series that takes place outside the current mainstream DC Universe (New Earth). The voice of Clark Kent/Superman is played by James "Jamie" Thomas Denton, Jr., who plays plumber Mike Delfino on the hit comedy-drama T.V. series "Desperate Housewifes" (2004).

About the film: After Lex Luthor infects Superman with solar radiation poisoning, the Man of Steel himself learns he only has a short time left to live, and he plans to use that short time to stop Luthor from accomplishing his plot of controlling Earth while he contemplates revealing his true identity to his love interest and Daily Planet co-worker Lois Lane.

5:57 PM Canada EST

Update: Post moved from Starship Fandoprise to DC and Marvel Assemble
