News: Six New ongoing DCnU Series To Launch in My 2012

After visiting DC Comics' website over the weekend, I'm posting to let you know that in May 2012, DC Comics will be launching six new ongoing comic book series to be set in the DC New 52 Universe (or simply "DCnU"):

  • "Batman Incorporated" (Vol. 2): featuring the DCnU 52's revising of Batman Inc., an organization consisisting of Batmen from all over the world with Bruce Wayne/Batman as its leader.
  • "Earth-2" (not to be confused with the American sci-fi T.V. series with the same complete title): this will center around the Justice Society of America of the post-Infinite Crisis Earth-2 as they go through a series of battles that may prepare them for collision of their world with other currently-existing universes within the mainstream DC Universe continuity.
  • "World's Finest" (vol. 5): unlike previous series volumes of this title (which usually center around team-ups between the Superman and Batman), this will center around the post-Infinite Crisis Earth-2 versions of The Huntress (sharing the "Helena Wayne" name with her Pre-Crisis Earth-Two counterpart) and Power Girl (sharing the "Kara Zor-L" name with her Pre-Crisis Earth-Two counterpart), who must work together in a struggle to return their universe after getting stranded in the DCnU.
  • "Dial H": based on the classic "Dial H for Hero" stories, which followed the premise where a mysterios phone dial can allow an ordinary man transform into a superhero by chhosing phone button letters H-E-R-O in order.
  • "G.I. Combat" (not to be confused with "G.I. Joe"): based on "The War that Time Forgot", a series of sci-fi/military war stories featured in "Star Sprangled War Stories" and centred around a group of American soldiers struggling to survive on a dinosaur island during Pacific war.
  • "The Ravagers": a spinoff of "Superboy" (vol. 6) and "Teen Titans" (vol. 4) about teen superheroes in a war against an organization who plots to make supervillains out of them.

Unfortunately, due to DC's intention to keep 52 mainstream continuity DC Universe ongoing comic book series running at a time, six series intended for ongoing runs will be cut short with their final issues to arrive in April. Here are those cancelled titles:

  • Blackhawks
  • Hawk and Dove (vol. 5)
  • Men of War (vol. 2)
  • Mister Terrific
  • O.M.A.C.
  • Static Shock

9:11 AM Canada EST
