These are all the information you need for GA:
What is Ghost Ammo?
Ghost Ammo gives you 15,000 rounds of the ammo of your choice a day, every day (except grenade rounds which is 7,500 rounds a day). It replenishes every day at around 3:00am EST.
Facts/Information about Ghost Ammo
-Ghost ammo costs $200 (8,000 credits.)
-You have to fill out a support ticket, linked off the Help tab and use the drop down box to select extra services.
To request Ghost Ammo, follow these steps, courtesy of Islidox:
1. Go to the "Help" tab that's next to the logout tab.
2. From there, you'll see 4 links. Click on the last link called "Support".
3. There, you'll be redirected to the Support site for DF. Click on "Start a new discussion" link.
4. You'll be redirected to a new page to make a new thread. There should be a drop down menu labeled, "Category". Select "Services [private]"
5. In the subject header, write, "Ghost Ammo [insert type of ammo you want]" and just repeat the same thing in the body by saying like, "I want GA 12.7mm Rifle ammo."
5a. If you need to convert GA, then the subject header would contain something like, "Ghost Ammo Conversion into [insert type of ammo you want]" and repeat it in the body text.
6. Make sure you have 8000 credits on your account and that you specify what ammo type you want.
6a. Or, have 500 credits on your account for GA conversion and specify what ammo type you want.
7. A member of the support team will answer, most like Xaelath. He has been very helpful and fast.
-You can change the type of ammo you receive
-It costs 500 credits to do so.
-It annoys the admins if you change it too often
-Ghost Ammo is non-stackable
-If you only have 7,000 rounds left of your chosen ammo, the next day you will not have 22,000 rounds, but 15,000 rounds again
-You can’t purchase two sets of Ghost Ammo of the same ammo type, however, you can have, for example, one set of ghost ammo of 7.5mm and a second set of ghost ammo of 12.7mm
-Ghost Ammo Replenishment
-If you have any boxes of ammo in your inventory of the same type as your Ghost Ammo, it will count towards your Ghost Ammo when it replenishes.
-So if you have 300 12.7mm bullets when GA is reset, you will only receive 14,700 ghost ammo rounds for that day, making your total ammo equal 15,000.
-It’s best if you store any ammo you don’t want counting towards Ghost Ammo by putting it up for sale in the Marketplace for max value.
-Ghost Ammo Usage
-Boxes of ammo of the same type as your Ghost Ammo are used up before your Ghost Ammo rounds.
-Due to a recent update, Ghost Ammo is now used BEFORE any ammo in your inventory.
-Ghost Ammo in your Inventory
-Ghost ammo does not take up any inventory space, and is completely invisible. Hence the name Ghost Ammo. The only way you’ll know how much you have is by equipping a weapon that uses that type of ammo.
Ghost Ammo is attached to your character
-Ghost Ammo is not attached to a certain weapon. Any gun that uses the same type of ammo, will use rounds from your ghost ammo.
-Ghost Ammo is non-Transferable.
-You can’t sell it, or have it switched to other accounts.
-Admins have to custom design your ghost ammo, so it may take a few days before you start receiving your ammo.
All the credits goes to Captain Awesome.
he's the one who posted those info ;)
Here's a YouTube tutorial vid: