A world where I reveal the most gorgeous gals ever to set foot on this earth and tell folly tales about them till who knows when. =) These gurls are my life and I love them to bits<3 Enjoy this crazy little place for us gurls ;)

Featuring: Beautiful sissy Mai - Gorgeous gurl JEN-O - My fab tab Itta - Cutie pie Ame - Diva beaut Violetta - Darlin' flare Miku - Artistic Talent Kami

To beginnin' (FIRST POST)

The beginnin’…

Is a gorgeous place to start! Hello and welcome to my neweset world: Dearest Darlin’s. You can get what it’s all about from the intro and even more from these silly posts! I might as well introduce those who are featured in the intro, just so you know how special they are to meh<3

Beautiful Sissy Mai (Mai3419). She’s so cute and adorable—my little sis who I’ve come to love so much! She says the cutest things about me and it’s like we’re actually biological or somethin’! I don’t know how dull life would be without her, but holy, I’m just happy she came into my life the way she did<3 Love you baby gurl!<3

Gorgeous gurl JEN-O (Mangakid). OMG. I don’t even. KNOW. Where to start. She’s just like a talent of explosives that keeps gettin’ more dangerous ;) She’s a lovely, lovely gurl and I love her to bits<3 She always reads ma posts and comments, as sweet as an angel she is.

My fab(ulous) tab Itta (Itachisasuke). SHE is a dear! So sweet and helpful, and kind. GAWD people need people like this<3 Another gorgeous friend I’ve made on here<3 Love you sweetie!

Cutie pie Ame (Amestar). Lovely can just begin to explain her! So caring and a sweetheart, she makes me smile all the time<3 I love talkin’ to her because she makes me feel complete and happy as a person! Hugs and kisses your way! :)

Diva Beaut Violetta (Violet). A super star to many<3 She’s got style gurl! That’s for sure! Love her, such a super caring person to have met on here<3

Darlin’ flare MIku (Morbid Dollie). She’s like an older sister to me! She was seriously like the first person I met on here and she’s left a flower in my heart. Gorgeous gurl whom I love so much<3

Artistic Talent Kami (Kami-chan.x3). A miracle saver and the creator of this world's intro picture! Always caring and always willing to lend a hand in anything people ask of her. A gorgeous gurl to know and love!<3

Such a sweet piles of ladies I met on here. They have each touched my life in such a vibrant, positive way, I love them to bits<3 Gosh! Words alone don't EVEN KNOW. Thanks for readin' this far, hope you like it ;)
