Seraphi the Ken Doll


We dashed into Stein's closet, giggling. This was going to be fun. We opened up the closet, and took a good look around. For Stein being Stein, he had some good apparel. I pulled out a good jacket, Pawa grabbed some semi-worn shoes, and we both reached for a nice coat. We dropped the clothing into the hands of Seraphi.
"Try'em on." Pawa said as she pushed him towards the bathroom.
"Ehhh...." He moaned as he resisted in a non-resisting way. We finally got him in and shut the door behind him. We waited a well enough time to see a spiffy young man pop out of bathroom. We walked over and looked him down. Pawa picked a few stray hairs off of the jacket while I wiped a smudge off of his shoe. We walked away from him and into the closet again.
"The jacket is nice... The shoulders." Pawa mummbled.
"Yes, yes. Legs?" I said as I flipped threw some pants.
"No they are fine. This!" She threw a shirt towards Seraphi. "Wear this and you'll be fine." She said, sure as ever. He went in and came out with the shirt on.
"You're right." I whispered in her ear. "All right. You're good. Now go brush your hair Seraphi." I said as I walked out of the room. I said bye to everyone, then went home.
"Ack! Where is that sock!!!" I said, scrambling around a room filled with a fresh scent. I looked everywhere.
"Here!" Pawa tossed a sock and I caught it without thinking. I was almost ready.
"Pawaranchi, you better be ready." I said as I ran one last brush threw my hair.
"Ok! Lets do this thing!" We slapped hands.
