It took me FOREVER to get ready. Eaither my eye shadow was off or my hair wasn't equally curled on each side. I ended up curling my front 2 bangs and letting the rest fall down in waves. I rarely put my hair down because its so long it always gets in the way. It looks good but not very comfty. My hair looked great with my purple dress and tights. When i walked out of the bathroom, Demetri and Ivan didn't recognize me. But when they did, there mouths dropped open. Now i feel all self-consious going to the dance.

When we got there, Deme and Ivan went straight for refreshments and i just stood in the doorway taking everything in. I saw Demetri and Ivan talking with...(ugg) Chip, some girl was talking on stage. I looked around for Seraphi. What was he wearing? I couldn't find him so i just stood around for a while. I didn't know what to do. I was still new to Deaths acadamy and i only knew a few people.

So i just stood around waiting for someone to ask me to dance. (Hint hint)
