Slow Dance

Lowey, but there are some parts in Cece's perspective (Indicated with a *)

I walked onto the dance floor and greeted my guests. Did anyone ever tell me that Soul had a twin? I walked up to her. They, Soul and Sky, were standing side by side so that I could compare them easily. Soul. Sky. Soul. Sky.
"Oh, wow! Its like a picture!" I said. It was! Sky giggled, Maka nudged Soul and he sighed. I walked away, and towards Demetri, Ivan, and Chip.
"Hey guys. How is this for a dance?" We all sighed (this is all my thoughts. I dislike dances).
"Well, I think this is nice." I put my chin in the air, then trotted away. Then there was a girl I hadn't remembered introducing myself to.
"Hey. Have I met you?"
"No..." She looked down into her cup of punch. We looked up to see that the song had changed. From some lively beat to slow and steady.
*Oh! The song changed! It was a slow song now. I scanned the room, looking for Seraphi, or at the least Chip. I saw Seraphi come out of bathroom. I quickly walked over to him.
"May I have this dance?" I put out my hand.
"Sure." We glided out onto the dance floor.
I looked around to see only that everyone was dancing. Even Seraphi with Cece.
"Oh. Chip is calling me." Mira waved bye and I was left stranded. I felt an iron hard grip on the edge of my shoulder.
"Pawa!? Geez. You gave me a heart attack!" I turned around to see a sugar crashed Pawa. She had a candy cane stuck in her mouth, one in her pocket, and another in her coat pocket.
"Mmmm. I love candy canes!" She said, but it sounded more like 'Mmmmmmmmm..... I ov khany canes!' with that candy cane hanging out of her mouth.
"Sorry about Serapee," She chuckled. "Dancing with Miss Universe. But hey, there is al-uh-WAYS the next... Uh.. Song!" She walked herself over to a chair and rubbed her head. I took all of her canes.
"Thats enough of that. I'm going outside."
