
I was standing there for the next song or two. Some people gave me glances and smiles but nobody came up and talked to me.
Finally the song changed to a slow song and i looked around. Now was my time to ask somebody to dance. I glanced at Chip but he had a "girlfriend." So mean.
Then i caught Seraphi coming out of the bathroom. I ran up to him and said "May i have this dance?" He smiled and said yes. We moved to the dance floor. I felt really self consious when i was dancing with him. Did i have a stray hair? Was my dress messed up? My eye-sight seemed to be really good just then because i could see Maka and Soul argueing and was that Pawa with a candy cane in her mouth talking to Lowey? Were they looking at us!? "Have you been practicing without me." i said with a smile. Seraphi grinned. "You know it."
I laughed and we continued dancing through the whole song.

I have to admit, this dance is the best dance i've ever been too. Thats not really saying a lot though because i've only been to one before this. THAT was a disaster. Ivan said that it was a sporty get together and that we "danced like we were playing basketball. I know your probaly thinking im pretty stupid but i'd never been to one before so! Anyway that was humiliating. I went to the dance in my gym shorts and a jacket.

But this dance with Seraphi covered all that in one. Little. Song.
