Back to the Dance


We got back to the dance safe and sound after we gave Chip and Mira about 10,000,000 thank-yous. The dance still seemed lively and fine, just the way we left it. Once we walked in though, we disturbed the whole scene. All heads turned towards us.
"Yo. This song is bad." Pawa said as she walked up an stage, a world of faces staring at her, and just changed the song. She does not know what awkward is. Then Chip went up there and helped her.
"Dude no. That song is lame. We need some Beastie..." He said.
"No way not at a dance. I was hoping for some calm cello music..." She put her hand out hand gave her room. The people lost interest and went back to haveing conversations among themselves. They put on a calm, nice song. It made me tired, for I found myself going mindlessly over to a chair and sitting.
"Can I have this seat?" Said a familiar voice. It was the sound that came from the lips of only Seraphi. I sat up.
"Yes. How was your night? How many girls asked you to dance tonight?" I joked. "You seem to be a popular dance among the ladies." I yawned and stood up. "If I say in here any longer I'm going to black out. Want to go outside?"
