Guardian Angel

This is the first chapter of my newest fan-fic for Yami No Matsuei, called Guardian Angel. Please tell me what you think! I'll be finishing L After Beyond Birthday and continuing this one at the same time. I'm very excited to be writing a fan fic about my 2nd favorite anime.

Chapter 1:

Hisoka stared into Tsuzuki’s sleeping face. Asato Tsuzuki, thought Hisoka, I’m so glad you’re ok, Muraki almost killed you, I thought I had lost you forever… Hisoka sighed heavily. It had been a week since the evil Dr. Muraki had kidnapped Tsuzuki and brought him to that warehouse. Muraki had wanted Suki’s body because he was practically immortal. Kurosaki didn’t fully undrstand Muraki’s motives but he knew that as long as Muraki lived, Tsuzuki was in danger. Kuro couldn’t live with himself if the man who taught him how to love again died.

“Kurosaki, there you are! I should’ve known that I’d find you here.”

Hisoka looked around and gave a small smile to Watari, the resident scientist.

“Watari..I had to come see him…”

“You’ve visited him everyday for the past week.”

Watari walked over to the teenaged boy and put a fatherly hand on his shoulder.

“You really do care for him don’t you, Hisoka?”

“Yes…very much so.”

“Kuro-kuro-kun, do you love him?”

Hisoka stared up at Watari, his green eyes filled with questioning.

“I think I do.” He replied.

“He’ll make a full recovery, you know. He’s improving quickly, I think its just his spirit that will be broken for a while.”

“Like mine was? Before Asato, I too was a shell of a human being. I hope that I can heal his suffering and undo the damage Muraki did.”
“I have faith that you can Kuro-kun. Tsuzuki needs you.”

Hisoka nodded.

“Please let me treat you to some lunch.” Offered Watari.

“I’d like that very much, thank you.”

Hisoka got up and leaned over Tsuzuki, he could hear him utter a faint sigh.

“I’ll be back, Tsuzuki.”

Tsuzuki breathed deeply in response. Hisoka leaned in and kissed Tsusuki gently on the lips. He and Watari then turned and left.