hi *warp*

ahh! we've just been warped into death note i warped into misa's twin sister locust who is on L's side.Who did u warp into?
Members so far
Ls army-Locust-kate-k-l's cousin
sojirem-mello's sister-soji-s-whammy house student-points 45
luna chan-kokoro-near and l-l-wammy house beginer-points 40
misamisa11-misa-Jade-j-trainee model-points 10-vice president for L
pikachu88-light-kira-k-school kid-points 0
otaku baby-b.b-beyond-b-wammy house student-points 10
troublesum shika-mafai-kiryn-m-school kid-points 45-vice president for Kira
blood moon wolf-kohaku-storm-sr-whammy house beginner-points 30-adviser/vice president 4 both sides
deidaranarutoclan-mikiami-cate-c-whammy house-points 0
animealert-yesh-tesh-t-whammy house-points 20
it's ranked on a point basis and promotions very depending on gender and what u warped into.
haven relis-Tsuki-T-Matt's sister-wammy house student-points 0
onlyanime14-Ryuzaki-L-wammy house student-0 points
PLz enjoy,have fun and write fan fiction pm me if I forgot to add you on or give you guest poster status.

New mission

new mission open to every body!im going to hide my icon in somebody's world comment it saying 1234 i win.lol it wil say how to cont to 4. lol go out there and have fun

Catch phrase

This was a mission I think so here is Kokoros catch phrase

You are just my puppet I use, if you die you are easy to be replaced.

L in a chibi


The otaku bunny frenzy by:MIsa Long ago there were other creatures.Differnt from what we have now.All of them had deid out and vanished from the earth and we soon forgot ...

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look out guy with the envelope!