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Welcome to my room, just don't touch my things

Put The Big Red Button on your site

I like pressing the button *evil smile*

Name: Caitlin (ケイトリン)
Nicknames: Cate, Deidara, Dei, Clay, Cat, Emo Panda, Dei-chan, Dei-san, Senpai, Deiara, Kyuubi, Dei-Dei, D, Dei-kun, Die, Die-Die, CK, That weird emo, The emo, That girl who draws good, Werewolf, Boss, One-chan, Kitsune, Cait Cait, and others but are too long to go into
Birthday: April 12, 1995
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Relationship Status: X3 Taken <3
Likes: Friends, Anime, Akatsuki, Naruto, Pokemon, video games, drawing, writing, reading comics, Digimon, Manga, Death Note, Inuyasha, Bleach, Making up jutsu (Yes, I'm a Narutard and I get that bored), collecting Naruto stuff, taking personality quizzes, Cosplaying as an Akatsuki member, creating comics, Deidara, TV, and the list continues...
Dislikes: Pervs (That means you sickos that take advantage of people... because most of my friends, including me, are pervs XD) Preps, and Stray cats (THEY WON'T LEAVE!)
Weapons: Bamboo Staff, Pencils, markers, yardstick, and anything I can find...
Clubs I belong to: A lot
Current Art Projects Working on: (view posts) Anything else I'm currently forgetting (and or) is in my mind and will work on it later
What I'm Doing at this Moment: Things
TheO Buddys: (not put in any specific order even though they kinda died) SandLover13, Sasukelover001, wolfdemonchild9, gaaragirl911, LunaLei, Hikari Mogami, SojiRem, imouto chan, cheriblosomchibi, Otomi Babii, Naomi Bear, Pikmin541, Kakashisgf, AngelsCryTo, gaaraskittygirl (actual friends in real life) ajLOVEStobi, Emo Dei Kyuubi, (actual friends in real life that aren't ever online) Jocex13, XxTatsuyaxRyuuxX
Enemies: None really... I've gotten over that.
Words I live by: Some come with depression... Some just blow up in our faces... Some come in the form of stress work or hysteria... Some come as a distraction just to lure us... Some come with laziess... And some come as frustration... Whichever form it may come, they're all EVIL and we, as artists, must NOT be over powered by the face of artist block... See that thing? Then scream, Run in circles, And kill it whichever way you choose. If you don't, YOU CATCH THE ARTIST BLOCK! D:
Cosplay: Deidara, Inuyasha, L, Near, Tamaki Suoh, Sebastian Michaelis, Alois Trancy, America, England, Prussia, Monobear, Eren Jaeger, Cry, 2p!Russia, Thor, Sweden, Markiplier, Hetalia Fandom


-What starts as art becomes an explosion-
-Art is a BANG un!-

゙(゚、 。 7
 |、゙ ~ヽ
 ししf_, )ノ Woof! Imma cat!


Now For Some AWESOME Quotes:

"Oh yeah... He looks so crazy. He's totally going to walk outside with that hair with a machete, and run around screaming 'IMMA CUT SOME BABIES!!!!!'" -Me

"Smell The Coffee Spiderman 2" -Cris

"I'm Julio! FEED ME BEANIE BABIES!!!!!" -Julio

"ケーキはうそです。 (The cake is a lie)" -Chris K.

"Okay class, today we are learning about... Batman. Now, what is Batman's real name?"
"Bruce Wayne!"
"I do know. I was just asking everyone."
"No, not you. *points to Taylor* She doesn't know who Batman is!"
"... *points to door* Get out." -Lincoln, Andrew, and Ian

"Okay... Now who is Batman's main enemy?"
"The Penguin!"
"The Joker."
"That's right, the Joker... Now, who is the Joker's girlfriend?"
"The Penguin! (has been saying this repeatedly)"
"Who said the Penguin?!" -Lincoln, Scott, and Ian

"Hey Ms. B."
"Lincoln, what are you doing?"
"... Teaching the class about Batman." -Lincoln and Mrs. Mulligan (Ms. B)

"There's only one phrase you need to say to get girls to cover their chests."
"Is it boobs?"
"No. I said phrase, that's a word."
"Then what is it?"
"I like boobs :D" -Ian and Joce

"*looks over and sees Joce, then rolls down truck window while driving past* THERE'S WALDO!"
"Really?!" -Me and Waldo (AKA Joce)

"I've got a question, and anyone feel free to answer it, but: Why is it when women sleep with a lot of men they are considered whores while when men sleep with a lot of women, they're considered awesome?"
"Well I have an answer to that, but let me put it this way: A key, that's a master key, is awesome because it can open any lock, but a lock that just opens with any key you put in- is a shitty lock." -Ian and Zach

"This chick did used to have boobs. They were of... *looks at Britney's chest then mine* ... considerable size."
"... I love how you just said that after staring at their boobs." -Ian and Joce

"If you don't want to see it, don't look. It's just like if you see me walking around naked, if you don't want to look, don't look." -Ian

"Do you know what a half hunter is?"
"A what?"
"A half hunter."
"A half hunter... A hunter that hunts after bodies if the head hunter doesn't get his way?"
"Clever... But it's a pocket watch." -Lincoln and Mrs. Mulligan

"Who decided one random day, 'Hey, I'm going to long divide!'?"
"I thought about that a long time ago... and finally decided it was a crazy person." -Lincoln and Mrs. Mulligan

"I'm sad..."
"Why are you sad?"
"I died..."
"Then how are you still here?"
"... Um..."
"Are you a figment of my imagination?"
"... Let's go with that." -Chris K. and Me

"Kenny! Where should your butt be?"
"In your pants" -Mrs. Mulligan and Gary

"Lincoln! Where were you?"
"Kicking Storm Trooper's asses" - Andrew and Lincoln

"Wow the entire night was crazy. My brother and his girlfriend went into his room and closed the door behind them and I sat on the couch and played Pokemon." -Zach

"I doughnut feel like twerking on French homework." -Denny


"Always remember to reverse-gyrate your way out of bathrooms... for everyone's safety." -Markiplier

Friday - Another Day of Hell

Sorry about the lack of being online guys D: I've been with Cris at his house and school doesn't help... Though when I was at his house Wednesday and Thursday, I was bored out of my mind since he was just on the comp due to the fact he needed to check on his mom... T_T' so basically, I was either just watching TV, Reading things he typed out, or listening to him type on Wednesday... Then on Thursday, I finally had it and went to get my stuff out of his room and I told him that I was bored with him just being on the computer and us not doing anything... so I was going to do my own thing while he did his.

Cris also has been kinda sick... and my brother now has a ton of infections... so I'm kinda been lingering around sick people XD :3 but I rarely get sick so lol I win.

I've joined Japanese Club, Art Guild (Club), and am in Anime Club again :D. In Japanese Club, they asked me to help out with their banner since I'm good with art :3. It kinda gives me a real confidence boost since Joce is normally asked to do something artistic and the sad thing is there's rarely a time Kris, Tobi, or I get any credit. :3 so I'll have to make a few different sketches out for them and see which looks good and which they'd like to go with.

And thankfully, today when I went to Cris's house, he wasn't mostly on the dang computer ><'. I mean, I love my best friend and everything, but I kinda feel neglected just sitting around listening to him just type on the comp T^T. We talked a lot, he played a little on his Game cube, we did the drawing lesson that kinda stopped abruptly due to the fact we were watching Underworld: Rise of the Lycans and he got some pudding XD so we'll have to continue with the rest of the lesson another time... mostly due to the fact I'm not quite sure I really helped or not T^T, and we did some improv acting :3

And now I'm back :D ... But sadly, everyone's pretty much dead... since no one's online I bet D:

I am ___% Furry Animal :3

Stolen from Eneko-chan~
D: sorry I'm not online much... school hates me

[X] you meow/bark to get attention
[X] you find pets toys amusing
[ ] you get hyper by the smell of catnip
[X] you growl/hiss when someone gets too close to your food
[X] you growl/hiss when someone you dislike is too close to you
[X] you purr when someone shows you affection
[X] if someone tosses a ball, you chase it and brings it back

Total: 6

[X] you love to be scratched behind the ear
[X] you love fish/meat
[X] you like to stick your head out trough the window of a moving car
[X] you like when people pet your head
[X] people can make you stop doing stuff by hitting you on the nose
[X] you think feathers are fun to play with

Total: 12

[X] you sleep a lot during daytime
[X] you enjoy scaring birds
[X] you lick peoples faces to show you like them
[X] you bite people if they annoy you (And bite friends lightly to show I likes them :3)
[ ] you tend to steal food from your friends/family's plate when you have eaten all of yours
[X] milk or water is your favorite drink

Total: 17

[X] you own a collar and you enjoy wearing it
[ ] you own a leash and enjoy wearing it
[X] you own animal ears/tail/paws or a fur suit
[X] you enjoy long walks in the park
[X] you meow/bark when you see something you want

Total: 21

[X] you call your hands and feet "paws"
[X] you tilt your head when you do not understand what someone is talking about
[ ] you run to the door when someone mentions a walk
[X] you really enjoy cuddling
[X] you stretch your body every morning when you wake up
[X] you can wake up and go back to sleep right away after looking around

Total: 26

[X] you have your favorite spot on your bed where you like to sleep
[X] you meow or bark very often
[X] you hide when you get scared
[X] you run to the door to see who it is every time someone comes in to the house
[X] you like to chase flying insects and try to catch them with your bare hands
[X] you tend to chew on stuff a lot
[X] you like to do tricks to get a treat

Total: 33

[X] you own a wearable item/tag with your name on it
[X] you refer to yourself as an animal
[X] your user name has something to do with animals (On Waja and Gaia)
[ ] your e-mail has something to do with animals
[X] if you get a bleeding wound, you lick it to make it feel better
[X] you look for edible stuff often

Total: 38

[X] you often find yourself looking through the window for a long time
[ ] you like to say hi to strangers
[X] you like to be pet when you have done something good
[X] people think you act like a pet
[X] you growl/hiss at stuff you do not like
[ ] you like to eat grass
[X] if you get wet, you shake to get rid of the water

Total: 43

Total Overall: 43

Now, take your score and multiply it with two to get your final score.

:3 86%

Freedom! Day #1

Sorry I didn't tell you about Day of Hell #3... I went to Cris's house after school and we went to the movies. :3 it was fun. After we got there, he ended up leaving me alone in his room because he wanted to show his mom some new songs he could play... so I started reading out of the old Japanese book to help me review (since I have Japanese 2 and I forgot what Mountain was ><' btw it's Yama). After that, Cris felt bad and stayed with me.

Cris also found a cricket in his room that he kept trying to kill... I think the day before yesterday?... Anyway, I told him I'd catch it for him and put it outside instead of him killing it. And it took me one try to catch it, while we were discussing cricketXspider hybrids.

After that, Cris and I went over to Tobi's house to get his favorite jacket (Aka Hoodie). We ended up staying for a little while with her. During that time... Tobi ended up mostly torturing him XD Tobi and I also joked around most of the time that we were a lesbian couple XD it was pretty funny:

Me: *standing at the door to Tobi's room*
Cris: Woah... that door makes you look bigger
Me: T3T Oh that's nice... just call me fat... *starts walking away
Cris: NUUUU! I meant you looked taller!
Tobi: :D The doorway makes me look taller! *holds onto the doorway*
Me: *gets a funny idea, smirks, hugs Tobi around the waist and lays head on her right shoulder*
Tobi: *gets the same idea and goes along with it and holds my head*
Cris: ... You two look like a lesbian couple
Tobi: Maybe we are...
Cris: ._.

Cris: *laying on the floor, looking up at me, and then touches my pants* This is mine
Tobi: ... Hey, get your hands off my girlfriend!
Cris: ._. what? When did this happen?!
Tobi and I: *both burst out laughing*

XD and a few other things happened but I can really only discuss what really happened over there with CK and Cris since it's kinda private... Even Tobi doesn't know the deep dark secret... And I won't blurt it out because I don't like doing that.

Anyway, after that we left and went back to his house and we ate Pizza and Tequitos. Then we waited around for a bit and discussed what was good about school. I think Art, Japanese, and being able to see him :3. Cris said Japanese, seeing me, and something else.

Then we went to see the original Friday the Thirteenth at The Strand. Cris got paranoid some of the time, thinking someone behind him would slit his throat, but I was able to calm him down for the most part :3 I liked the movie, but we thought they should've done a marathon of the movies instead of just the first because Jason was barely mentioned... and it was just his mother killing everyone.

After we got to his house though, we talked for a bit until I had to leave at 10:44. idk what I'm doing today... but I'm hungry >>

Day of Hell #2

Sorry I couldn't put my Day of Hell #1 like I planned... I went to Cris's and then dad wouldn't let me on the computer... -.-' :3 but I can tell you now:

I met Avery when I was waiting around for Cris and talked to him for a bit. Then I talked to Josh and Jared from my Japanese class came up to ask if I was in Japanese again. Then I got to see Cris, and along with that came Zach, Jack, and Seth (Noodle). Then I had to go to first period sadly... But it's band :3 so yay... Though It was kinda funny and sad that this happened:

Mr.Allman: *sees me* Hi Taylor
Me: *pauses and looks at him oddly*
Mr.A: ... Your name's Taylor right?
Me: -.-' Caitlin...
Mr.A: OH YEAH! Darn... sorry... forgot over the summer...

After that, I asked Alison (a flutist I sit next to mostly) if I looked like a Taylor... XD most of the people I know said I kinda did. I sadly ended up running into Sam (the girl who I had the issue with on the internet) AND SHE ACTED LIKE IT NEVER HAPPENED:

Sam: Hi Caitlin!
Me: *waves but doesn't say anything*
Sam: ... Are you still mad at me?
Me: Uh... yeah
Sam: Why?! I didn't DO anything!
Me: You cussed him out! And you cussed me out!
Sam: So?! It's stupid! All of that is stupid to be mad about!
Me: *shakes head and just stops talking to her*

Ugh... That's what I hate about her... I just hate she acted like nothing happened and that it's stupid of me that I'm mad that she cussed my best friend out multiple times and ended up cussing me out too! I mean, really? She's just oblivious... even my friend agreed what she said made no sense...

And second period, Cris and I went inside and found Julio :D Julio gave me a hug when he realized we were in his class X3 Cris and I sat by each other and I also met his friend Ricky.

Then in English... XD My English teacher is awesome!:

Mrs.Miller: I know how all you girls have those large purses... but I'm really glad that you have them on the ground and not on your desk... cause, I mean, I don't know what you do back there... You could be texting... or building a bomb... I just don't know what you're doing

Mrs.M: Okay class, we'll add that to the class schedule... I'm not really sure when we'll get around to discussing mystical portals, but I'm sure we'll get to it soon

Mrs.M: Don't place late work on my desk... my desk is like the Bermuta Triangle... papers just seem to disappear... maybe a mystical portal just pops up occasionally and sucks them in... I'm not completely sure...

Afterwards, I went into Health class... and I couldn't wait to leave... not because I hated the teacher, no I knew the teacher in my elementary school and I like her a lot, but I had to listen to the "Boner" Brigade -_-

Algebra 2 was kinda funny... I sat in between Joce and Ian... and the entire time Kenny wanted to be called Peanut XD

And then I went back into Japanese, except this time it's my second year. And as soon as I walked in:

Sensei: :D Caitlin-san! Konnichiwa
Me: :3 Konnichiwa sensei!

I sat by Chris a little bit and we discussed cake XD Then I had to move where Macaylee and Veronica were... And after class I met up with Julio and Cris... we now gather by Julio's locker since it's near sensei's room. I was able to talk to them for a little bit... and then I hurried to History... where I sadly have to sit next to Douchebag -_- but the good news is Josh is behind me.

Then today was kinda the same thing... except the fact I made the joke to Cris questioning whether or not he ate Noodle... since he was late XD

Another Quiz~

XD I know... I'm just bored and like taking these

1) Name: Caitlin
2) Name Backwards: Niltiac
3) Were you named after anyone?: Nah... my mom thought this name was unique... -_-' she was wrong...
4) Does your name mean anything?: It's Irish and means "Pure"
5) Nick Name(s): You should look at my intro ^^' cause I have many...
6) Screen Name(s): DeidaraNarutoClan, EmoDeiKyuubi, Emo-Dei-Kyuubi, and I have another secret account on here... but I can't tell any of you about it because I'd give away my secret identity... Oh s***... I need to check it
7) Date of Birth: 4/12/95
8) Place of Birth: Indianapolis, IN
10) Current Location: Shelbyville, IN (since my best friend Cris gave out where our location is ^^')
11) Sign: Aries
12) Religion: Buddist with a hint of Atheist
13) Height: 5'9"... last time I checked anyway... and I know I'm taller than my dad and mom... but shorter than Cris >>'
14) Weight: I really don't know... I don't check
15) Shoe Size: 11 o_O' ... yeah...
16) Hair color: Brown... with some light brown and blonde...
17) Eye color: Blue with yellow around pupil... sometimes yellow during the full moon and when I want meat... or when I get angry >>'
18) What you look like: XD it's right up in my intro
19) Innie or Outie: Innie :3
20) Righty, Lefty, ambidextrous: Righty... trying to be Ambi :D
21) Gay, Straight, Bi, or Other: I am bi~
22) Best friend(s): Tobi (Allena), Cris, Jess, CK, Amby, Zoe, Brooke, Xan, Julio, Sammie (Wolfy :3), Sammie (Kakashi), Val, Kayla
23) Best friend you trust the most: Cris, CK, Zoe, and Jess
24) Best friends {your sex}: Tobi, Jess, CK, Amby, Zoe, Brooke, Xan, Sammiex2, Val, and Kayla :3
25) Best friends of the opposite sex: Cris and Julio
26) Best Bud(s): Didn't we go over this?
28) Crush: :3 hehe~ <3
29) Parent(s): Bill and Corrina
30) Worst Enemy: KEITH KOCHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I FUCKING HATE THAT DOUCHEBAG!!!!!!
31) Favorite on-line Guy(s): Brett, Joe, and Elliot :3
32) Favorite on-line Girl(s): Jess, CK, Amby, Zoe, Brooke, Sammiex2, Val, and Kayla
33) Funniest friend: :3 my friends are all funny
34) Craziest friend: XD Tobi
35) Advice Friend: CK
37) Person you cry with: Lately it's been Cris
38) Any sisters: :3 sisters from another family: CK, Jess, Amby, Zoe
39) Any brothers: My little brother Cooper and Cris is like my brother since I've known him for so long and we technically live at each other's houses XD
40) Any pets: Noth anymore T^T
41) A Disease: None yet...
42) A Pager: Nope
43) A Personal phone line: Nope
44) A Cell phone: :3 I do have one
45) A Lava lamp: Yeah :D
46) A Pool or hot tub: Yeah... I don't use it
47) A Car: Noooo... ^^' just... no...

Describe Your...
48) Personality: Pretty bi-polar... I can be really sweet, but I can also be a real bitch if you get on my bad side
49) Driving: Scared as hell, screaming, not knowing what the hell to do, all over the place
50) Car or one you want: I don't want a car T^T I HATE cars
51) Room: It's a clean mess XD
52) Mmh: wtf?
53) School: Terrible and huge T^T
54) Bed: Kinda stiff but bouncy :3
55) Relationship with your parent(s): My dad isn't really around much, and I argue with my mom over the stupidest stuff...
56) Believe in yourself: No
57) Believe in love at first sight?: I believe you need to know the person
58) Consider yourself a good listener: :3 I do. I listen to everything people say
60) Get Along with your parents: Not at all
61) Save your e-mail conversations: On TheO because they kinda save automatically
62) Pray: No
63) Believe in reincarnation: Yes
64) Like to make fun of people: No
65) Like to talk on the phone: I don't really talk on the phone a lot, but when it comes to friends, you can't get me off the phone for anything XD
66) Like to eat: I'm pretty sure everyone likes to eat, Cris
67) Like to drive: No
68) Get motion sickness: I used to
69) Eat the stems of broccoli: I don't like broccoli
70) Eat Chicken fingers with a fork: It kinda depends ^^' sometimes I do... with a fork and knife
71) Dream in color: When something gets slipped in my drink ._.' I swear people do that... because some of the dreams I have are crack-based
72) Type with your fingers on home row: No XD and I'm fast
73) Sleep with a stuffed animal: Yes X3
74) Right next to you: My brother's toys...
75) On the walls of your room: XD posters
76) On your mouse pad: Colts Helmet
77) Your dream car: I don't want a car...
78) Your dream date: Anywhere, as long as I'm with the person I like.
79) Your dream honeymoon spot: Never thought about it
80) Your dream wife: I am bi so... ./////. um... I dunno... uh... I...
81) Your bedtime: 10:30 at night...
82) Under your bed: A lot of scary shit...
83) The single most important question: Can anybody help me?
84) Your bad time of the day: Any time I'm away from friends...
86) The weather like: The weather is pretty warm and sunny
87) The time: 1:34 PM
88) The date: August 9th, 2010.
89) The best trick you ever played on someone: Pretended like I was dead and freaked out my mom XD
90) The weirdest food or drink that you like: X-tra cheese Goldfish dipped in chocolate syrup :3
91) Theme Song: Welcome to My Life by Simple Plan, Punk Rock 101 by Bowling for Soup, I Write Sins Not Tradgedies by Panic! at the Disco!, American Idiot, Boulevard of Broken Dreams, Wake Me Up When September Ends by Green Day
92) The hardest thing about growing up: Dealing with parents...
93) Your funniest experience: XD there are quite a few that I have with my friends
94) Your scariest moment: Having the shadow people in my room... they have scared me and harmed me...
95) The silliest thing you've ever said: "Oh yeah... He looks so crazy... he's totally going to walk out of the house with his hair like that with a machete and run around the place yellin 'IMMA CUT SOME BABIES!'"
96) The funniest or most desperate thing you've done to get the attention of the opposite sex: I've never done anything to try to attract attention to myself... in fact, I actually tended to eat to avoid the opposite sex
97) The scariest thing that's ever happened while with your friend(s)?: We went into Werewolves' Hollow and by the Shelby House... and Joce and I saw something near the house and on the road that looked like a bloody, white woman with a lantern...
99) The best feeling in the world: Love
100) 5 people you tag: Everyone that wants to