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Welcome to my room, just don't touch my things

Put The Big Red Button on your site

I like pressing the button *evil smile*

Name: Caitlin (ケイトリン)
Nicknames: Cate, Deidara, Dei, Clay, Cat, Emo Panda, Dei-chan, Dei-san, Senpai, Deiara, Kyuubi, Dei-Dei, D, Dei-kun, Die, Die-Die, CK, That weird emo, The emo, That girl who draws good, Werewolf, Boss, One-chan, Kitsune, Cait Cait, and others but are too long to go into
Birthday: April 12, 1995
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Relationship Status: X3 Taken <3
Likes: Friends, Anime, Akatsuki, Naruto, Pokemon, video games, drawing, writing, reading comics, Digimon, Manga, Death Note, Inuyasha, Bleach, Making up jutsu (Yes, I'm a Narutard and I get that bored), collecting Naruto stuff, taking personality quizzes, Cosplaying as an Akatsuki member, creating comics, Deidara, TV, and the list continues...
Dislikes: Pervs (That means you sickos that take advantage of people... because most of my friends, including me, are pervs XD) Preps, and Stray cats (THEY WON'T LEAVE!)
Weapons: Bamboo Staff, Pencils, markers, yardstick, and anything I can find...
Clubs I belong to: A lot
Current Art Projects Working on: (view posts) Anything else I'm currently forgetting (and or) is in my mind and will work on it later
What I'm Doing at this Moment: Things
TheO Buddys: (not put in any specific order even though they kinda died) SandLover13, Sasukelover001, wolfdemonchild9, gaaragirl911, LunaLei, Hikari Mogami, SojiRem, imouto chan, cheriblosomchibi, Otomi Babii, Naomi Bear, Pikmin541, Kakashisgf, AngelsCryTo, gaaraskittygirl (actual friends in real life) ajLOVEStobi, Emo Dei Kyuubi, (actual friends in real life that aren't ever online) Jocex13, XxTatsuyaxRyuuxX
Enemies: None really... I've gotten over that.
Words I live by: Some come with depression... Some just blow up in our faces... Some come in the form of stress work or hysteria... Some come as a distraction just to lure us... Some come with laziess... And some come as frustration... Whichever form it may come, they're all EVIL and we, as artists, must NOT be over powered by the face of artist block... See that thing? Then scream, Run in circles, And kill it whichever way you choose. If you don't, YOU CATCH THE ARTIST BLOCK! D:
Cosplay: Deidara, Inuyasha, L, Near, Tamaki Suoh, Sebastian Michaelis, Alois Trancy, America, England, Prussia, Monobear, Eren Jaeger, Cry, 2p!Russia, Thor, Sweden, Markiplier, Hetalia Fandom


-What starts as art becomes an explosion-
-Art is a BANG un!-

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 |、゙ ~ヽ
 ししf_, )ノ Woof! Imma cat!


Now For Some AWESOME Quotes:

"Oh yeah... He looks so crazy. He's totally going to walk outside with that hair with a machete, and run around screaming 'IMMA CUT SOME BABIES!!!!!'" -Me

"Smell The Coffee Spiderman 2" -Cris

"I'm Julio! FEED ME BEANIE BABIES!!!!!" -Julio

"ケーキはうそです。 (The cake is a lie)" -Chris K.

"Okay class, today we are learning about... Batman. Now, what is Batman's real name?"
"Bruce Wayne!"
"I do know. I was just asking everyone."
"No, not you. *points to Taylor* She doesn't know who Batman is!"
"... *points to door* Get out." -Lincoln, Andrew, and Ian

"Okay... Now who is Batman's main enemy?"
"The Penguin!"
"The Joker."
"That's right, the Joker... Now, who is the Joker's girlfriend?"
"The Penguin! (has been saying this repeatedly)"
"Who said the Penguin?!" -Lincoln, Scott, and Ian

"Hey Ms. B."
"Lincoln, what are you doing?"
"... Teaching the class about Batman." -Lincoln and Mrs. Mulligan (Ms. B)

"There's only one phrase you need to say to get girls to cover their chests."
"Is it boobs?"
"No. I said phrase, that's a word."
"Then what is it?"
"I like boobs :D" -Ian and Joce

"*looks over and sees Joce, then rolls down truck window while driving past* THERE'S WALDO!"
"Really?!" -Me and Waldo (AKA Joce)

"I've got a question, and anyone feel free to answer it, but: Why is it when women sleep with a lot of men they are considered whores while when men sleep with a lot of women, they're considered awesome?"
"Well I have an answer to that, but let me put it this way: A key, that's a master key, is awesome because it can open any lock, but a lock that just opens with any key you put in- is a shitty lock." -Ian and Zach

"This chick did used to have boobs. They were of... *looks at Britney's chest then mine* ... considerable size."
"... I love how you just said that after staring at their boobs." -Ian and Joce

"If you don't want to see it, don't look. It's just like if you see me walking around naked, if you don't want to look, don't look." -Ian

"Do you know what a half hunter is?"
"A what?"
"A half hunter."
"A half hunter... A hunter that hunts after bodies if the head hunter doesn't get his way?"
"Clever... But it's a pocket watch." -Lincoln and Mrs. Mulligan

"Who decided one random day, 'Hey, I'm going to long divide!'?"
"I thought about that a long time ago... and finally decided it was a crazy person." -Lincoln and Mrs. Mulligan

"I'm sad..."
"Why are you sad?"
"I died..."
"Then how are you still here?"
"... Um..."
"Are you a figment of my imagination?"
"... Let's go with that." -Chris K. and Me

"Kenny! Where should your butt be?"
"In your pants" -Mrs. Mulligan and Gary

"Lincoln! Where were you?"
"Kicking Storm Trooper's asses" - Andrew and Lincoln

"Wow the entire night was crazy. My brother and his girlfriend went into his room and closed the door behind them and I sat on the couch and played Pokemon." -Zach

"I doughnut feel like twerking on French homework." -Denny


"Always remember to reverse-gyrate your way out of bathrooms... for everyone's safety." -Markiplier

Friday - Sadness...

D: I'm going to the Caves tomorrow and won't be back until around 7:00 or 8:30 at night... so I'll have only that long to talk... but at least I'll get to talk ^^ (And I can't talk much right now even cause my dad was using eBay and my mom's being a bitch)

I went over to Cris's house today and I was wearing a tie... Why you ask?:

Cris: So you're wearing a tie with that new shirt?
Me: Yeah...
Cris: How come? *lifts up tie and sees some cleavage* ._.' Oh.... *puts tie back down*

XD so now he's kinda joking about that shirt...

But I found out while I was over at Cris's, my dad got pulled over and they thought he had drugs in his car O_O'. He got pulled over for pulling out early at a stop sign and then was asked if they could search the car. And they got gloves and a dog and everything.

Sorry... I cant type or talk much... I need to get off soon and my mom's yelling at me as usual...

Thursday - T_T I'm Just Done...

I HATE MY MOM! She's one of the people I friggin hate in the world and she's the person that taught me to dislike and ignore people like her T_T.

I woke up at 9:15 and she told me to get dressed while she went to go return a book for Cooper. And while she was gone, I was getting dressed and playing a video game while Cooper wasn't doing anything. So once she got back, she was mad at me for not getting Cooper dressed, when he can get dressed himself.

After that, he gets dressed and she's complaining about us going on a walk, when she was talking on the phone. So since she's busy, I get something to eat since it's 10:00 about then. AND SHE GETS MAD AT ME! She starts complaining about how I'm not listening to her and just doing whatever I wanted WHEN I was doing EVERYTHING she asked for!

Then, when I told her I was just hungry, she gets mad and says "YOU KNOW WHAT?! YOU TWO IRRITATE THE SHIT OUTTA ME!"

How is THAT supposed to make me feel?! It makes me feel like I'm a fucking pimple on the face of her life and shouldn't even be fucking born! Cause I was doing everything she asked for and she was yelling at me T_T. I really wish that I could spend the night at Cris's or he at least could spend the night here because both of us are dealing with a ton of stupid shit at the moment and we need each other's company... Or at least I need his company if he's not sick and tired of me...

God I'm crying right now... Stop it eyes... I shouldn't be crying right now... Okay... I think I'm done.

What's WORSE is when Grandma came over, mom tried to make ME look like a spoiled brat that doesn't even like listening to her! OMG I WASN'T EVEN DOING SHIT TO HER AND SHE GETS MAD AT ME OVER NOTHING! I was hungry and ate something and she flips out at me over that? T_T that's fucking retarded. T^T I really want to cut myself right now... but I'm not going to because Cris said if I cut myself, he will cut himself the same number of times I do. (:3 which is actually really sweet when you think about it) Since I don't want my best friend to hurt himself T^T that'd make me sad...

Anyway, then we go on our walk (After mom keeps rushing us to get out of the house and then, like usual, she lags behind and keeps us waiting... (And yes, I have noticed I'm using italics a lot... sorry...)) and Cooper gets hurt while walking on his bike SO MOM GETS MAD AND LEAVES! She left me and Grandma to deal with Cooper since he refused to get back on his bike and decided to walk it.

And when we get back, she's first to get in the shower (not that I need a shower since I took one yesterday) but once she gets out, she's mad that Grandma got mad and left, when Grandma does have a reason to be mad with her and Cooper. So I had to stick up for Grandma and she yelled at me for doing so... And... UGH! I just hate her right now T_T

Sorry about my long dramatic rants... I know none of you really want to read this... so sorry you have been for the past couple days...

Wednesday - I just fail apparently

My parents just made me feel really loved this morning at 2:00 T_T. I was awake and couldn't sleep (insomnia...) and the phone rang. I didn't know who would be calling at the time, but I thought Grandma might've been having trouble with her car again so I picked up the phone. Turns out it was a guy from work just wanting dad to tell him how to turn a machine on, so I gave it to dad.

Then my mom comes into my room yelling at me for answering the phone for no reason. Then she tells me to turn the TV off (I turned it on to get to the phone and see in the dark) and go to sleep. So I turned off the TV and my dad comes into the room and he's mad at me. So he throws my phone at me (And I mean LITERALLY threw), telling me to put that "worthless piece of shit up my fucking self"

God... I'm so sick and tired of trying to help my parents out. I mean, even if I help them out, they just yell at me for nothing. Or yell at each other and then take it out on me and my brother T_T. I just wish I was somewhere else during those fights... *sighs* I really don't know why I try and make my parents happy anymore...

They kinda just expect me to act like a perfect daughter, the one who wears dresses, always listens, and always kisses butt. When I'm apparently the spoiled tomboy who likes to do whatever the fuck she wants T_T which is all bullshit. Since I listen to them, get good grades in school, push myself in school even though I don't even want to, I put up with all of their shit whenever they fight, and I become their fucking punching bag when I could just walk into the next room.

I don't care if they think I'm the worst child in the fucking world. I'm doing half of the shit I'm doing just for them because they say so, but I'm not going to become a girly-girl when that just ain't me anymore. I mean, I used to wear dresses when I was 5 and younger, but now I like just pants and t-shirts. They just expect me to wear make-up and act like a weak, helpless flower, when in reality, I hate make-up and I can kick most guy's asses if I wanted to.

I'm just trying to get my feelings out since I hate the fact they flip out on me for pretty much nothing at all T_T. And I feel a bit better after typing all of this out ^^


You have dry skin.
You eat one meal.
You're very weak.
You hate yourself.
You starve yourself.
You have low self esteem.
You use laxatives.
You need to be more skinny.
People always say you're skinny, but you think you're fat. (Technically they say I'm not fat... when I know I am)
People think you are too skinny.
Total: 5

Your mind is all over the place.
You are hyper most of the time.
You barely pay attention to anything.
You can't cooperate well.
You talk all the time.
You need attention 24/7.
Total: 1

You can act wild at times then the next day you are depressed.
You are very irritable.
You are antisocial. (My mom says I am...)
You have very high self esteem sometimes.
You are abusing alcohol, drugs, or sex.
You have thought of or attempted suicide.
Total: 4

You throw up all of your food.
You throw it up even when you don't feel sick.
You have no control over how you eat.
You use laxatives.
You have overly exercised to where you almost fainted.
You always say you are fat, when you aren't.
People think you're way too skinny.
Total: 1

You are a bully.
You threaten other people.
You often find yourself in fights. (Not all physical)
You have used a weapon that could cause injury to others.
You are cruel to humans or animals.
You have raped or molested someone.
You destroyed property on purpose. (My brother's lego creation because he kinda made me mad one day...)
You always lie.
You stay out all night.
You have/tried to run away from home.
Total: 2

You are always sad. (Not lately though ^^)
You find no hope in your future.
You find no longer excitement over the activities you used to love.
You always find yourself around the house all day. (Not by choice really)
You have low self esteem.
Everything bad that happens is always your fault. (Most of the time I'm always told that)
You always seem to be weak or have physical features hurt.
You are failing school.
You have thought of or attempted suicide.
You have/tried or attempted suicide.
Total: 7

You have daily rituals.
You have disturbing thoughts or thoughts you hate.
You have to do a certain thing until it feels right.
You have to keep things in a certain order.
You have harmed yourself.
You have to check some stuff over again.
Total: 6

You repeatedly have flashbacks of horrible moments or memories in your life.
You repeatedly have dreams of horrible moments or memories in your life.
You sometimes think the event will happen again.
You can be/are antisocial.
You have lost interest in the things you used to love.
You have not had a lot of sleep lately.
You worry about dying at a early age or dying at all.
You can have angry outbursts.

You act younger than your age.
Total: 8

You often have hallucinations.
You have strange, unusual dreams or thoughts.
You can be confused about reality and fantasy.
You think people are always staring or talking about you.
You have extreme anxiety or fearfulness.
You do not take care of your hygiene like you should.
You are very shy.
You often talk to yourself.
Total: 5

Monday - Ugh! School >>

Sadly I'm going to have to go to school in a couple weeks... The 11th to be precise T^T I'll be really busy since it's my Sophmore year and I've been told I need to do community service for me to get in the National Honors Society... And I could care less about that since I just want to go into Art and Writing...

I got my school schedule just the day before yesterday...

Semester 1:

1st - Advanced Concert Band (Smith)
2nd - Advanced 2D Art (Parmer)
3rd - English 10 Honors (Keller)
4th - Health & Wellness (Fairchild)
5th - Algebra II (Bourke)
6th - Japanese II (Von Werder)
7th - World History & Civilization (Hearne)

Semester 2:

1st - Advanced Concert Band (Smith)
2nd - Advanced 3D Art (Parmer)
3rd - English 10 Honors (Keller)
4th - Physical Education 2 (Bowman)
5th - Algebra II (Bourke)
6th - Japanese II (Von Werder)
7th - World History & Civilization (Hearne)

I'm hoping Cris and Tobi are in at least one or two classes with me. I'm pretty sure Tobi's going to be in band with me, but it'd be nice to have friends in class with me... Especially since with most advanced classes I have, my friends are not in them.

Cris pointed out a few classes he could be in with me, which would be cool if he was, but I'm not getting my hopes up... Adding to that... with some of the classes... that bitch might be in them... so I need to watch out for Health, Band, and Art... since I know she'll be in band with me already T^T.

What's worse is the discussion my mom is fighting me about. *sighs* And I'm just pissed off at her because of her constant pushing and shoving me into certain classes and then fucking denies ever doing that to me which is fucking bullshit

What really sucks right now is that my collarbone hurts T^T... I think it's cause of my stupid sports bras... I don't know what I'm going to do today... since I haven't really talked to Cris and he can't be over (if he planned on coming over) until 2:30... But he probably has something planned since he told me of a project he was working on when we were on the phone last night.

When I was over at his house yesterday, when I came in, Lola was surprised I came over at that time and asked me if Cris knew I was coming over since they thought he was still sleeping... And he wasn't sleeping ^^' his hair was just screwed up and we had a few jokes... What was really funny was this:

Cris: ... Mom, can I go to the gas station?
His mom: Are you going to brush your hair?
Cris: ... Yes
His mom: Cause you look like an insane person
Cris: Oh yeah! I'm so crazy
Me: Oh yeah... you're totally running down the street with your hair like that and a machete going around yelling "IMMA CUT UP YOUR BABIES!"
Everyone: *bursts out laughing from what I just said*

XD a few things actually happened over there that was funny. Like this:

*phone is ringing*
Cris: *answers the phone* ... Hello?... Yeah... Hold on *gives the phone to his mom while she's sitting on the computer chair*
His mom: What?! I'm trying to poop!
Both of us: *burst out hysterically laughing* XD

:3 It was a fun day though so yays ^^ XD mom's surprised we haven't gotten tired of hanging around each other... at least I haven't >>' I don't normally see friends during the summer ^^ so it's happy for me.