Tuesday - Errors XD

The errors on here sometimes bug the crap outta me but it's kinda funny. Sorry if I'm embaressing someone on here but you didn't really know and I'm not calling you out or anything. I got on this morning and checked my comments and found one on my portfolio complimenting my work and avatar but then they asked if I was really on this account since I was four ^^' so... I just replied to them telling what happened...

Oh, And I finally managed to watch Cris's video that I posted two days ago I believe... and yeah, that's his. His voice is on there so I know he did it XD and he did warn me that he was cussing on there, which he was, so there told me to watch it when my parents weren't around to hear it.

I need to really start drawing quick... I've basically joined a few challenges and I need to hurry and get them done with so I can finish drawing a few other things. I may draw the other things first though but only because it's taking so long and I feel bad about not getting them up quick. I also want to draw a few other things >>
