Wednesday - Emotional Abuse

XD Tobi emotionally abused me today. She kept ditching me and being a meanie -3-

I've gotten a 100 on my element quiz I had today ^^, oh and we learned the Japanese numbering system.
Sound familiar?:

1. Ichi (Shukaku~)
2. Ni (Nekomata~)
3. San (Isonade T_T)
4. Yon (Sokou~)
5. Go (Houkou~)
6. Roku (Raijuu~)
7. Shichi (Kaku~)
8. Hachi (Hachi is Hachi XD (Hachimata~))
9. Kyuu (W00t! Kyuubi XD)
10. Juu (The teacher says to remember this by remembering Jesus was a jew >>')

I gotta finish some art too >>'
