Monday - Anime Club

Today I went to anime club ^^ there were some people I knew there. Cris couldn't come because, like usual, he forgot to mention to his mother or father he needed a ride back home... And Keith wasn't there surprisingly.

I did see an old friend there though. Her name is Jessie and she used to be a friend of mine. She's actually the president of the anime club. We gonna try and do Cosplay sometime ^^ yay!

Oh, and Angel's ex was there too. He was sitting behind me. But he's cool ^^ he likes Death Note and Bleach, also Higarashi... a lot of the guys like Higarashi...

Tobi and a lot of the members are also going to try and work on a T-shirt design ^^ you have to draw it... I'm not sure about me though >>' I dunno if I can come up with something. Julio and Tobi said I should though because my drawings are good. I'll have to think about it I suppose...
