Wednesday - Ruler Murderer

I'm listening to I Told You So by Carrie Underwood ^^ the original singer sang a duet with her on the song and she loved it.

Anyway, school was a drag... we were still working on crap in Chemistry, mainly math... We're also having a test over all we learned.

But in English we're reading a book that I read already and know about ^^ it's called Most Dangerous Game. It's an awesome story >< no joke >> but we have work over it... Oh, and I also found out just now that I'm in the Honors for English -_-' oh geez, how smart am I?

And in geometry, it was work as usual. I like geometry better than my Algebra class now. Even though my Algebra is easy, still... but I'll explain it later.

Oh... now it's Paint it Black by Rolling Stones ^^ ... >>' sorry I like this song.

Anyway, then it was band ^^' all of us sucked XD; terribly, so we had to hand back some music that we had just gotten and had to start playing some music we played when we just started class. >> oh, and Tobi also kicked me in the butt when I was opening my locker -_- X3 I kicked her back.

Then there was lunch... I have to sit with Angel and Bret now (I was sitting by myself before Angel found out I was in her lunch). -_- Bret broke my ruler... he also broke a spoon and a fork <<' He's getting me another ruler though to say he's sorry ^^ he told me he would... and then Angel offered hers... And the other redneck beside me started messing with my ruler trying to fix it... -_-'''' and it broke more... >>' I ended up wanting to shank him with it... Esecially when that guy went on and on about how girls are f-ing weaklings... -.- Angel should kick him in the balls... >> I can't because I'm sitting next to him and can't.

And in Art it was the usual stuff... next tuesday I'm going to be in art club and probably be out maybe 3:30 or 4:00... EST, my time. We're gonna decorate a hug pumpkin and make it look like Cinderella's carrage ^^ XD Julio and I were looking at it and making jokes... some of them were perverted...

And in Japanese, it was funny XD I kept freaking out this guy because I knew the hirigana he had on the flash cards before he was able to turn the cards quickly. And I got all of them too XD >> in class, I'm calling Keith "Keisu-baka" because I can't cuss in there... in fact, no one can or you get a write-up...

And Algebra, we had a pop quiz DX IT WAS BECAUSE EVERYONE WOULDN'T SHUT UP! They STILL wouldn't shut up either -_-' we're going to have a pop quiz every day because of those idiots... and we have to get a seating chart too -_- damn them...
