Thursday - Aw Man...

Today was a bad day for me... I mean, all of it at school was bad. Yet I was still happy in a way... (lol cause of CK *shot*)

It started out kinda so so at first though. I scared Tobi and made her jump by poking her while I was walking and she was talking to Julio...

But then I found out I failed my second chemistry quiz due to the fact you barely have time to finish it T.T I got a 55... which is an F... crap... but the good news is we are working to get a new test up and I think I can do a lot better on this one to get my grade back up to an A... maybe... Well there was a make-up test for today but I couldn't go...

But then there was English... it was all right... although I nearly had a heart attack with the board racing since I got really excited >>'

And geometry didn't seem so bad ^^ it was kinda all right too... but it was just kinda about notes so there are no worries for there... except me almost tripping up the stairs >>' well... I had the sensation I was going to anyway...

And it was Jazz Thursday again in band ^^ I preferably like the song we played though... it had blues to it. And after listening to the music, I thought it fit Taro for some reason ._. anyway, the song was "Saint James Infirmary".

Then at lunch, for some reason my Italian food unintentional diet is still working ._.' I'm not joking... I've been eating the Italian food at my school just about every day and I've been losing weight without even meaning to >>' ... anyway, people at my table kept joking around about guys wanting to ask me out -_-' I said no twice but then when it still continued, I finally told them I was already going out with someone. But then they kept trying to ask questions and I swear my face turned really red >///>

And in art, we're staring to work on shading to get ready for realism. Andy was really upset for some reason today though and he hugged me three times. XD then he said this weekend he was going to get some d*** and he was going to be the bottom. It freaked out most of the girls at the table XD but I was being supportive X3 he does that a lot to try and freak people out. XD I kinda know from a past experiance when he asked me if I wanted to have a threesome with him and Cris when I was in 7th grade ._.' wtf... but yeah....

D: I'm getting lazy with my hiragana... I didn't really study (then again, I really don't study...) and the last three tests, I've missed three hiragana letters out of all the possible... so yeah, I probably do need to start studying since I have a lot of memory of the other past hiragana I have learned and it's probably getting hard to remember >>'

And in Algebra it was pure torture TT^TT WE HAD TO WATCH BARNEY! It was horrible... I felt like killing myself like some of the other guys in the back of the room with me though >> the only thing I found offensive though was they said that an emo kid that was in the corner would be cutting theirselves while watching this... Guess who's in the corner T.T

Oh.. and I nearly got in a car pile up today... I could've been dead by now because an idiot woman stopped in front of us and was wanting to turn but waited until she stopped. Then cause mom to slam on the breaks and everyone else behind us to slam on their breaks too... but our truck got hit in the back by the car behind us... it wasn't damaged at all but their car was... but there was nothing to worry about... no one was hurt ^^
