I still F. A. I. L.

Stolen from Tobi since the only news I have about myself is that I really fail at being in clubs or making them for that matter.

Do you know anyone who can play the bagpipes?
I don't think so...

Where would your dream wedding be?
I haven't really thought about it honestly... In fact, I didn't think I would even find someone that liked me for who I am ._.'

Are you comfortable with your body?
Not really >>'

If you saw a ghost, would you be more scared or intrigued?
What are you talking about? It kinda sounds like you're talking about a cartoon ghost or something... you can see a mist or shadow from a ghost in photographs or videos occasionally but it's rare to see one in real life... I have talked to a lot of ghosts though. Including my dead dog Sunny.

Where do you go/want to go to college?
I don't have a choice of where I want to go... mom says she's choosing for me T_T

Which is better: soccer or American football?
Both are violent and bloody

When was the last time you had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?
Never... I just like peanut butter

Do you write poetry?
Yes, but not lately... and it pretty much sucks

Do you drink energy drinks? If so, what kind?
No, I don't drink them anymore... they taste disgusting

Do you believe in God/some kind of higher power?
To be honest... no, not really. I believe in reincarnation and possession though

Which is the best color for a t-shirt: black, white or gray?
I don't think it really matters as long as it covers you

Is there anyone you just can't get off your mind lately?
My girlfriend CK >///>

Do you try to be a moral person?

What's the hottest wing sauce you can handle?
I've only tried the regular mild...

Have you ever used the bathroom on a charter bus?
I don't think I've been on one

Do you think people can be overweight and still attractive?
Of course. There are a lot of things that make a someone attractive.

Which do you prefer: old school rap or the stuff on the radio now?
I don't think either...

What is your opinion of Lady Gaga?
Her songs are suicidally annoying >>' sorry

Do you care about politics at all?

Has a best friend ever turned against you?
Oh, many times over ^^ I'm over that now though... I just maintain grudges

Is AC/DC one of your favorite bands of all time?
They're so so... my dad loves to listen to them though and his music is on my iPod because of the computer

Do you feel a little thrill of excitement whenever Halloween is mentioned?
Halloween is the greatest holiday ^^

Are you easily embarrassed?
Depends on the subject

Can you get a tan or do you just burn?
I tan without even wanting to TT^TT I walk out into the sun for a few minutes and my hair starts bleaching blonde and my skin will get tan

When you get a pint of Ben & Jerry's or Haagen-Dazs...

... do you eat the whole thing in one sitting, or does it last a while?
You really don't pay attention much, do you?

Have you ever dreamed you could fly?
Yes... but I got attacked by a shadow and woke up

Have you ever gotten a text from someone and you have no idea how they got your number, or who they were?
I can't text

Do you care if people swear around you?
No, we hear way worse at school anyway

When you see two people of the same sex kissing, do you judge them?
No, why would it bug me?

Really? Not even a little bit? Be honest.
Dude, I have a girlfriend and I'm a girl T_T

Do you like to light random things on fire just to watch them burn?
... >> yes

Do you have any medication you have to take every day?
Nope... but mom says I should take allergy medication or some sleeping pills to help with my tossing and turning and my insomnia

Do you have any illnesses or disorders with acronyms? (ADHD, OCD...)
Not that I know of

Would you rather own a purebred dog, a designer dog (Yorkiepoo, Labradoodle, Puggle), or a mutt?
I could care less what type of dog they are. I love all kinds

Have you ever had chicken/pork/tofu/shrimp vindaloo?
I can't have wine

If so, isn't it YUMMY??
You really don't listen -_-'

Do you wear more costume jewelry or expensive jewelry?
Both... but I don't tend to wear expensive a lot unless it's for cosplay or to make my grandma or aunts happy

Are you jealous of people who seem effortlessly cool?
Duh... one of my friends is and I basically hate it since it's basically those same type of people that said I had problems when I became friends with Cris... and the fact is she talks down about herself and I think it's a load of Bulls*** because that gleam in her eye says she thinks she's the best, she has to be the best, and she'd kill anyone to get it

When someone you have a crush on walks by, do your knees get weak?
My crush is my girlfriend and I think the only time that could apply is when I'm on Gaia and talk to her there

Does that ever cause you to trip and/or fall?
How can you trip or fall when you're on the internet... XD virtually

Has anyone ever pointed out that your laugh was unusual?
My mom -_- hers is no better though... she sounds like a witch and laughs in her sleep

Are you addicted to anything that's not considered an addictive substance?
um... all the things I think I am addicted to is considered a substance... wait, is talking to my close friends one?

Did you ever get stuck sitting alone or with the teacher on a field trip?
Oh, that happens all the time ^^ I rarely even get to sit by friends on fieldtrips

Do you know anyone who's been abused by a partner or spouse?
Technically, my uncle Todd was emotionally abused by his bitch of a second wife Sheila, but it still counts like abuse when the woman's a gold digger and likes to tease him by saying she has a better looking boyfriend than him T_T my family call her the devil herself

How tough do you think gun control policies should be?
I don't think anyone's going to pay attention to them anyway

Have you ever donated blood? If not, why not?
No, I'm 14

Are you proud of yourself? Why or why not?
Did you not just read what I put?

Do you ever wish you could be the opposite sex for a day?
It sometimes seems easier... but then I think of when Jack said I should probably get a sex change because I relate to men more... and I feel like slapping him again

Would you rather read fiction, history, or historical fiction?
Fiction... it's mainly what I read anyway

Have you ever been in a play or a musical?
Nope... I'm too nervous and shy for that

What brand of deodorant do you use?
._. these questions are getting really personal. I use secret... >> pervert

Do you have a laptop?
Nope... I don't have the money nor do I think my family would be able to afford it with my mom out of work and not even wanting to get a job T_T

If so, does the charger work well? I wish mine did :(
Sorry it doesn't but I don't think that info is really needed
