Thursday - Bored

Well... it's fall break for us over here and I'm kinda bored as heck...

Sorry I had to get off quick yesterday guys. I kinda got dragged to a Halloween dance that was being held over here yesterday

I took some pictures ^^ XD the dance was kinda funny... but I didn't really want to dance. Sam (she knows about CK too) asked me if I would dance more if she was there. I said I might, but only to certain things (>>' because some of the songs I really didn't like)

Oh, and on this like slow love dance thing, Kris and Tobi were dancing with their boyfriends, but I was dancing with Angel because she wanted me too XD. It wasn't anything like slow and all that. We were just kinda play dancing there. She has a boyfriend (Brett... and no, Brett, the Brett at our school XD) I really don't think she knows about the girlfriend thing though...

Anyway, since I'm not going to post the pictures due to the fact I want to keep the pictures a privacy (even though Julio's probably posted the video of us on YouTube already -_-'), I'll tell you what some of us were:

Kris: Pirate
Tobi: Mummy
Julio: Dude with toilet paper on his head and duct tape on his arms (XD don't ask, that's what he told me he was)
Sam: Herself
Angel: Dark angel minus the wings
Britney: Child nurse (I think...)
Trevor (Sam's date and new bf... I also owe him a drawing of Cloud...): Himself
Austin (Kris's bf): Himself
Shaun (one of Julio's friends): Werewolf (stereotypical portrayal need I add -_-')
Ashlyn: A band member of Kiss (I forget which one... it wasn't Gean Simmons or Peter Chris though)
Me: (kinda debated) Gothic Kid, Dead Gothic kid, half a Kyuubi cosplay XD (I had Kyuubi's clothes but the wig couldn't work because my hair is friggin long -_-' so I guess I kinda went as a dead goth)

Oh, and I technically got raped at the party three times, almost four DX. Tobi basically tried to party-boy me off to the side >>' I moved, Kris tried to hide behind be and technically raped me on accident, Sam looked like she was trying to rape my leg and I moved >>', And Shaun... well he was being Shaun... Britney was going to party-boy me but thankfully Tobi managed to save me from that...

Just about everyone at the Costume party/dance looked like sluts... I'm not even joking about that sadly... and they were dancing like sluts too. Girls looked like they were in a stripping/rape line and they had short skirts and shirts nearly showing boobs to an extent. -_-' ... this is kinda the point where I don't like being a girl too much because most guys expect girls to be like THAT. ugh... technically the majority of the dance was a complete orgy. If that's how it's also going to be at senior prom when I become a senior >>' I'd rather not go
