Thursday - Great -_-'

Well everything was going well today ^^... but then I found out I left my sketchbook at school DX<. It has my anniversary picture in there too! Damn it >.>

In English, we were put into groups and we had to think of a group name XD Michael Jackson names... We're The Mob though. Oh, and my group is kinda full of boys at the moment since Skye is still sick T_T. They were being weird today though since the teacher was passing out pokerchips and they were singing this:

I wanna hold em like
They do with Texas fleas
Throw em
Let em hit me
Please, play the game with me

Russian roulette
Is played with a gun
Cause it's just
That fun, buddy

Can't see my
Can't see my
You can't see these pokerships
They'll be given away


>>' yeah... basically a parody of "Pokerface", but I told them to stop the song before they finished -_-' it got stuck in my head though too quickly... And I don't like Lady GaGa either... I think they kept singing the lyrics over and over to annoy me. Tobi, Hannah, and Sam thought this song was completely hilarious though.

XD in Algebra, there was a Michael Jackson question on the jeopardy review we were doing. it was "Who was Michael Jackson's first son?" XD people kept saying it was Blanket (Prince II), but my team got it right since I knew the order his kids were born in (Prince I, then Paris, then Prince II "Blanket")

Again, I'm so sorry CK T_T I feel terrible...
