Saturday - DX I've been HUGGED A TON

>>' I have been tagged a lot by a hug tag... I will not pass it on though. Chains are kinda annoying... I've got about... 7 of them ._.'

Anyway, the lock in was kinda okay... I kinda felt lonely the entire time though since Joce was there and dragging Tobi away for the majority of the night until she fell asleep. And I couldn't fall asleep and kept waking up because Tobi was rolling on me and kicking me because her leg had a charlie horse >> so I got stuck watching Twilight... :3 I still like Jasper and Alice. >>' Tobi's now a Team Jacob fan because of New Moon... her sister is an Team Edward fan... -_-' oh boy...

And then we went to the mall... I surprisingly didn't see anything I liked, so I didn't buy anything...
