Tuesday - R-A-P-E

XD the title will be explained later...

Okay, I found my Chemistry packet after moving some of my papers and I looked exactly in the spot it was before -_-' oh, and I foung out I have an 88 in Chem too... which is a B... dammit I could get grounded for this sadly... And yes, I did get word from my gf CK that she is grounded, but I don't know for how long and I don't think she did either. Anyway, I REALLY got to ace that final and that final is tomorrow TT^TT

I also have to fill out a sheet for my final in Language... and in Geometry, we have something to fill out... and it's due on thursday when the final is there. And for Band, we're writing an essay... 5 paragraphs I think O_O and for art, he have to show our art picture and our person we did the project on, which I still need to color. Our Japanese final is also tomorrow, but I'm really not too worried about that, I'm worried more at the chemistry surprisingly... And I'm positive I'll ace the Algebra final this time (yes, I failed core 40 last year but passed the class >>').

All right, about the title, well, Tobi, Joce, Julio, Kris, and I were in the Art Club Christmas Party making cookies, frosting them, the frosting tasted awful though, and this is what happened:

Julio: *after I managed to get Tobi to stop being clingy with him with the help of Kris and Joce (No, really, she is terribly clingy to him, I swear she's joined at the hip with him most of the time... Speaking of which Sam looked at me funny when I told her about CK and me only kissing on the cheek and forehead and she said that it was kinda like Ian and Haliey and how they didn't kiss until like 4 months. She said it like it was a bad thing though T_T' I wouldn't listen to her though, Ian agreed with me by saying she moves too fast in certain ways AKA she asks if she can have sex with her boyfriend and she's a sophmore) anyway, back to the story* That's it! You're going on THE LIST... *pulls out a book*
Me: You realize if you put me on that list, my girlfriend would kill you
Julio: O_O *slides the book back in his pocket* Okay... you aren't on the list guys
Kris: What list?
Tobi: You're not on his hit list anymore :D
Kris: I'm not? D: *pretends to cry and then looks up* Oh, when I cry no one pays attention, but when someone yells, everyone rushes over to give them a hug
Joce: *hugs her*
Kris: NO! Get off me! *walking around with Joce on her* Stop, don't touch me there. This is my private square. R-A-P-E
Joce: *finally lets go*

Oh, btw that is a song O_o' I was stupid enough to look up the lyrics too XD :D here's how it goes:

Stop, don't touch me there.
This is my private square.
Get your hands off of me.

Stop, don't touch that place.
This is my private space.
Get your penis out of me.

And repeat basically XD I swear this is going to go on forever... DX I even got it stuck in my head
