Monday - Avatar

My dad and I are leaving to see Avatar soon. It doesn't really look like an interesting movie to me but mom said it'd be a good idea to go and see the special effects for me to get better prepared for college... adding to that if I didn't go with dad, I'd have to go with my brother and mom and they take longer than how dad is... so yep


... Well... I saw the movie... and I don't get it...
In some parts, I really just don't get the movie
I mean, how would their tree be able to transfer people's minds into their avatar body anyway if they've never done that with a human before?
And why is it called "Avatar" anyway?
I get that the body Jake was in was called an avatar, but the word was only mentioned maybe three times in the whole movie. Maybe a different title that relates to the story more?
And what the heck was up with him falling in love with one of the women there?
Yeah, I get that she saved him and all, but I mean, come on, just about every movie I end up seeing has to do with the hero finding love -_-' it's getting kinda old to me.
And what happened to their dragon things?
And the horses?
And how the heck did so many people in the tribe end up surviving despite seeing that just about all of them were shot down?
idk, I'm weird... ignore me
