Tuesday - Goodbye Vampires, Hello Zombies

That's right, I kinda believe Zombies are coming back 8D. I'm not the only one that thinks that either. And I think "FINALLY!" because I'm kinda sick and tired of all the Vampire fads and getting tired of Twilight and their Sparkle Fairy ways... Though, I now am interested in this movie preview that kinda looks funny :3 the movie's called: Vampires Suck. It's a parody of Twilight, Lady Gaga, and Alice in Wonderland from what I've seen so far >:3 I wanna see it just to see what they make fun of... It's coming out August 18th... I wonder if Cris'll want to see it... *shrugs* if he doesn't dad'll be watching it with me anyway cause he thinks it looks kinda funny too.

:3 The reason I say Zombies are coming back is that Resident Evil has been shown a lot recently where I am. And I've also had some Zombie dreams and so has Cris... he just had one that could be a Scifi (NOT SyFy) movie :3

And I've also relapsed into my Pokemon addiction... I'm addicted to many things, but I've quit pokemon for a while... and then entered a relapse into it again lol... Cris says I need pokemon rehab... or an intervention lol
