
Dei's emotion: Relaxed
Watching: Chowder (Cartoon Network)

I fell a lot better than the past two days.
I watched last night's filler episode of Bleach and personally... It was strange... But for some reason, I knew Chad was the imposter (I've only seen the filler on TV since it's not in the comic). How I knew: Chad's story was different from Orihime's and he was a lot more serious than usual. So I stuck with that through the whole episode and I was right. Yay!
I also stayed up late to try and get through an episode of Code Geass. I did, but I honestly didn't like it much... I felt it was a cross of Gundam Seed and Death Note and normally that would make me interested, but for some reason, I felt like I had seen it before and thus I not too interested in the show...
I talked to Jocelyn and she said she has a boyfriend, but he's in the UK. That's right she has an internet chatroom boyfriend. Yet she cannot remember his name... She said he's moving to Michigan or Missouri... I forget which. So out of our emo group, Jocelyn, the Emo Teddy Bear, and Kristin, the Emo Kitty, have boyfriends (Kristin was once a girlfriend of Jocelyn's dog Cole, but they broke up. lol Jocelyn did that as a joke). so Allena, the Emo Koala, wants to have those two help her get a boyfriend, but me, the Emo Panda, would rather stay alone. I'm fine as it is so I have no need for a boyfriend. I feel that those type of partnerships are useless. I feel no love towards anyone except my family when they don't get on my nerves. (God that seems like an old Gaara statement -_-') But it's true, I honestly don't know what the maning of love towards another besides family. That can't be helped though cuz I'm better off.
Four more days until my contest is over and LunaLei and LuckyChan101 are still in first, leeluver1 is in second, and Ihjiry Yamaguchi is in third. No new submissions have been made. Everyone needs to hurry! Get those submissions in!
No new Ecards lately cuz I was sick the past two days.

