
Dei's emotion: Happy (Woah o.O didn't expect that)
Watching: Spongebob (I'm feeling like Itachi towards my lil bro)

I'm unusually happy somewhat today. I just signed up for a DA account so I could talk to my friend Jocelyn more over break and I found out one of my favorite artists are on there. AkumaYoru or his username on there Teh-Akuma-Yoru.
AkumaYoru is an awesome drawer, it's not to say I don't like anyone elses art on here because that art is definately awesome. So I decided to browze around his gallery and found two interesting comics.
They made me laugh, so I added the two to my comic collection. (Yes I keep a comic collection for my favorite online comic creators) And if I go to school, I'd often show Keith and Jack AkumaYoru's latest creations.
Anyway since I cannot post the pics of both comics, here are the links:

La Llorona
Genius or Fool?

I'm feeling happy and content at this moment although I'm being forced to watch Spongebob. I'm working on the next page of Akatsuki School and I'm almost done. So, I'm basically working on my comic for now.
Sigh. For mi contest, three more days remain... Rankings are still the same... No one has submitted anything yet, so I guess I'll add two more days on. so everyone has until the 14th. That should give you guys enough time.
*sigh* Cramp... Okay...
Oh~ 99 ninja-stuck-at-home-with-their-little-brother-whose-hogging-the-tv-with-my-dog-with-us on the wall 99 bored ninja~! Kill me off and replace me again~~ 98 bored ninja!
And the song goes on... sigh I'm bored my bro's hogging the TV and I have no life...
98 ninja-stuck-at-home-with-their-little-brother-whose-hogging-the-tv-with-my-dog-with-us on the wall 98 bored ninja~! Kill me off and replace me again~~ 97 bored ninja!
