Friday - Because It's Fair...

Sorry I haven't posted... I've only been able to get online in the mornings to just check messages, but I can thankfully get online during the weekends ^^.

Today, I went to Cris's house after school before he went to his dad's house and we watched Ghost Busters 2 and then we had to go get some groceries at Kroger and Walmart... I ended up meeting one of Cris's older half black cousins (he calls them black, but eh...) and then we got food at Subway -w-. Once we got back to his house though, he had to call his dad (his dad didn't answer though) and he started going through his on-demand movies... And I saw a movie I wanted to watch and pointed it out to him... And we watched it... it was awesome... It's about a man-eating plant... and a nerd trying to win the love of an abused girl... Have you guessed the movie yet?... WE WATCHED THE LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS! >W< *squee~* Cris didn't think he'd like it at first, but when he saw it, he liked it :D yay~

Then when I got home, I gots a chocolate chip shake ^3^... T3T but then I found out dad got a Facebook... wtf? I can't get a facebook but my parents can? That's just stupid...
