Sunday - I'm Kinda a Cripple :P

Why, do you ask? Well I kinda have a sprained ankle... I can walk on it, but it hurts like hell to and I have a terrible limp because of it.

It kinda happened yesterday when I was with Cris and we were walking on the Turkey Run trails with his family. Like usual, we were up front trying to avoid as many pictures as possible and just goofing around. But then I stepped on some dead tree wood with some of my old pairs of shoes (which really are not the best to wear due to the fact they're really worn out) and I ended up slipping on one of the pieces of wood after taking a wrong step, I ended up yipping like a puppy apparently and I just kinda fell... What really sucked is, my right foot got caught within the mess (AKA got caught within some of the wood branches), and my body just kinda twisted and left my foot in that akward position. I tried to move it before anything happened to it (because I just had the feeling I was going to twist my ankle) and then I heard something crack and knew it got sprained...

XD so I ended up laughing because I thought it was really terrible that I have now sprained the same ankle three times. Ain't life a bitch? Thankfully two nice ladies ended up helping me up, along with Cris, to get support. I still walked the trail, but half the time either Cris or I had I fear I was going to either hurt myself worse... or fall.

:P so yeah... I'll hopefully get better by Tuesday (at least I should...).
