Saturday - Help?

All right, just before I go into anything, I need a little help with something thing, but I'd like to tell you what happened friday:

As usual, Cris and I met in our same area, talked to our friends a bit, and then he led me down to my first period class (band) and we said our good-byes because we'd see each other next period.

Band: Rehearsal was normal as usual... with the acception that I was wearing awesome mix-matched socks X3. And as usual, our percussion section is crap and have no minds what-so-ever -.-'.

Art: Basically, Cris came back out of the art class (like he's been doing lately) to meet up with me and give me a hug :3 and then we went into class. I had to turn in my sketchbook which involved shading... one of the drawings wasn't completely finished -_-' and it was mostly due to the fact I didn't really try so much even though my art teacher is awesome... Other than that, we kept laughing and calling Austin racist against everything XD lol we were joking of course though.

English: Cris and I walked down ti my english class, talking along the way, until we had to say bye to each other. Then I went into class and we played a review game for short stories... but my group were mostly clueless people -.-' I was somewhat clueless due to the fact we were doing this with the group and some wouldn't really listen to me... And we were called The-Get-Outta-Heres... so it didn't make things much better...

Health: After that, Cris and I met up yet again to talk a little bit until I had to go to my next period... that was on the other end of the school... But I did make it to class :3 and I talked a little bit to Erich D. since we hadn't talked in a while... though we really didn't have much to talk about ^^'. Health class... was a bit disturbing though ._.'. We're being taught about Sexual reproduction and are on the Male Reproduction section... and my teacher kept saying Penis and Ejaculation waaaaaaaay tooooo much. I mean, I know that she's a health teacher and can say it... but I mean, really she said them about 50 times each and more than any word too ._.'

Lunch: Since I have lunch first period :3 yay... we get first dibs on anything. I however got a plain turkey sub, fritos, chocolate pudding, and an apple :3. Guess what I do with the fritos? X3 I crush them on my sandwich in it and eat :3. XD and as usual, we make perverted suggestions... this time I started it though XD:

Britney: *sits down eating her breadsticks and dips them in cheese*
Me: Hey Britney... so you like your breadsticks with cheese?
Britney: Yeah... well I like anything with cheese
Me: So you like your breadsticks with cheese... and you like to stick them in your mouth?
Britney: *is eating when I say that and starts laughing* OMG! That's so wrong!
Me: XD hey, your the one that likes putting breadsticks in your mouth
Britney: OMG! they crunch and snap in half! Breadsticks shouldn't do that!
Me: So you don't like the end of your breadsticks hard?
Britney: No I do- *realizes what I just said and starts laughing* NO! STOP IT! XD
Me: XD

And then after that, we started talking about things we can't take back. Here's what can't be taken back:

Food (well you can give it back but people don't want it)
Hooker's money (XD you try to take it, they will kill you lol)
Shooting someone
Random sex
Butt sex
Running into a wall
Causing intentional harm to ourselves or someone else (And Ian, Britney, and I all stared at our wrists D:)
Plastic surgery

And then after that, we started talking about sex for some reason XD:

Jocelyn: You can just imagine a girl just lying in bed with a bored expression and be like "... Are you done already? I'm tired and I want to go to sleep... Ugh... fine I'll go to sleep."
Me: and then she wakes up "Ugh... what the heck, you're still not done?!"
Everyone: *laughs* XD

And after that, we were discussing about boobs. And about how much we hate implants. Ian and I mostly XD.

Ian: What's the fun in a squishy fake sack? I mean, I could really care less if a chick is flat chested or has real big boobs. I'll still stare cause, I mean, they're still boobs.
Me: No one should have to use something like that -_-' I mean really? Why do people think they need to have their boobs so huge to the point you fall over if the wind hits you? It's pointless
Britney: I will never get something like that. I like my boobs the way they are.
Ian: ... I gotta tell you the honest truth, I stare at your boobs
Britney: I don't mind
Me: ... I kinda look at them too (not joking about that XD for some reason now I will just stare at her boobs and she sits next to me)
Britney: Don't worry about that ^^ Jocelyn has stared at them too
Jocelyn: DX It was unintentional!

Algebra II: We had a review over calculators... and some funny things happened XD like Kenny thinking his calculator was going to explode if he pressed a certain line. And Kenny and Gary calling one of the graph lines a sperm XD. After all of that, we went down to the library. Ian, Jocelyn, and I went down to the farthest end of the library and started talking about our ghost incounters and events (some of which I was actually with Jocelyn at the time). Jocelyn and I, when we were little kids and in girlscouts, we went to the Scuffy house for a dinner and Jocelyn needed to pee, but she didn't want to go alone. Merissa didn't want to go because she thought it was creepy, but I decided to go with Jocelyn since I kinda needed to go too and didn't want to go alone either. So both of us went up the stairs and it was dark up there, we got to the point where we could see our shadows but didn't see our shadows and instead saw other human shadow figures that weren't there... We ended up screaming and running down the stairs. We knew what we saw, but no one really believed us... so then Jocelyn said it was probably our paranoia (because no one would believe us even though we knew what we saw). And we discussed things we saw at the House of Blue Light ><' Jocelyn and I, when we went there saw really creepy stuff... like a lady that was outside the house, a blue light in the top window, and Jocelyn, Tobi, and I never once got out of the car unlike everyone else. And Ian told us about some of his experiences and some haluucinations he had that kinda had to put him into an asylum at one point.

Japanese: We did a little review and learned some new kanji to use :3. XD we also got to see how Japanese toilets work XD

History: Like usual, after leaving Japanese, Josh and I come back to see Dakota, Julio, and Cris :3. Even though we only talk for a few minutes and when the warning bell rings, I drag Josh out of the room cause I don't want to be late XD. We listened to the teacher talk about the Romans and watched a video on them.

After that, I went back to Japanese class and dropped off my stuff, talked to Julio a bit, and since Cris was busy talking to Sensei, I went and picked up my art picture I need to work on a little bit. And I ended up deciding to give up the manga idea that we had since last year, since people really weren't interested (from my perspective anyway) and since people were going to be more interested in Cris's idea... I didn't want it to be a bother to him so I just decided to cancel doing the manga idea. It disappointed me, still does a bit since it was planned since last year, but I'll get over it. Cris felt bad about the entire thing though, because he said he was taking away something that was important to me, even though I kept saying it was okay and I'd get over it. Besides, a lot more people will be interested in Cris's anime idea more and I can help out if he wants it... I'll only help out if he really wants it though, because I don't want to be a screw-up on it... so I'm waiting until everyone does what they want to do and then I'll help if he needs it... only if he needs it though, because I really don't want to take away anything... And maybe the manga idea can be in the club next year? Who knows.

When I got to Cris's house, he needed to call his dad for a second, so I was in the playroom (Lola was watching something in Cris's room). What was creepy is I saw a pale little girl with a white dress and black hair outside the playroom window, but once I looked outside, I saw her until she just vanished into nothing... It made me worry a bit and look around outside the window. Then an odd feeling came over me and I couldn't help but just look up and stare at the ceiling. I shuddered a bit and then I didn't hear anything. An aura seemed to suddenly ingulf me because I felt a real heaviness on my body and chest. Then I lost feeling within my hands and arms and they started moving without my control... and I did feel like I was about to black out in that moment. Cris watched me do this when he got off the phone and he called my name once, but I didn't respond... And he got worried and called it again and I was able to snap out of it and regain all the feeling I had. I didn't tell Cris what happened in there at that moment when he was asking if I was okay... because I didn't really feel safe in that room. I told him later about it... and he didn't feel comfortable about being around that room or in it either.

But to calm myself down, and since we couldn't go into his room, and his mom wasn't babysitting anyone. So he kept getting out some of his old toys (the one I remembered the most was his electronic Pikachu X3 and he didn't remember it until his mom told him that it used to be his toy... and I knew that too... because I kinda met him before we officially met and became friends... and he had his pikachu then ^^) and he got to take Pikachu into his room :3. XD whenever he'd do perverted suggestive stuff with the plushies or plastic toys though, I'd either hit him with Pikachu or my shoes (after I kept warning him and then said I was going to lock myself into his bathroom and not come out, then he stopped :3)

After that, we talked for a bit, ate Arby's, and then watched Across the Universe (it has Beatles Music on itand he LOVES the Beatles... I do too, though lol). I didn't want to sing at first because I don't think I'm that good... but then I ended up singing one of the songs... Which lead him to ask if I did know some of the songs... which I said I did... but didn't want to sing cause I thought my singing wasn't that good. :3 but he said he liked my singing and it incouraged me to sing a bit more around him XD and sing to the rest of the songs. :3 especially since I do like those songs. Grandma told me my grandpa did have some Beatles songs and items up at his booth, but didn't know if it was still up there... :3 But yay! My grandma loves their music too :D lol

Anyway... about the Help... I kinda want to do the manga I was going to do for anime club, but I'd like to have some character contributions on TheO :3 like different character species. I already have the idea for a schoolgirl, ninja, wizard, and Neko. But I'd like some more ideas for different characters if anyone would like to have some species ideas up :3
