Friday - Everything


When we got home from dropping off Cris at his house, I started getting ready for the Halloween Ghost Ball. :3 I was going to dress as my original Mad Hatter costume design. I started painting my nails different colors first, adding different designs for them. And since I already had my rose short-sleeved t-shirt on, I just needed my long-sleeved gray and black striped jacket, black shorts, fishnet gloves, one red and black striped glove with a chain on it, key necklace, lock necklace, knee-high "Drink Me" brown and black socks, black converse, red blush make-up under my eyes, and my black lipstick (Besides my Mad Hatter Hat, of course).
:3 Cris was a black cat. X3 lols he was so cute. XD when he saw me, he said I looked sexy lols. We had to wait a while though to go because it was at 8:00PM. So we watched TV and then ate a stuffed crust pepperoni pizza... that really lacked crust.
When we were leaving though, my dad joked around with Cris, saying that he had a penis sticking out of his butt XD (Cris's cat tail). So Cris and I kinda decided to joke around and say that Cris had a long, black, furry penis in his butt XD.
:3 People liked my costume a lot X3 lol I got a picture taken. Tobi said I looked sexy lols XD. If she had worn her Alice costume, Joce, her, and I could've entered the group costume contest. Cris wanted me to enter the single-person costume contest... but I went against it... And then he and I went into a couples costume contest (that had a Mario and Luigi in it XD lol), but Gary and Alison won... Cris said that was bullshit XD
We kinda hung around Julio (AKA Billy from Saw) because we were avoiding Sam, Joce, and Tobi while they were doing their stripper/whore/sex dancing. XD Cris joked around and gave me a lap-dance to freak out Julio XD.
:3 All in all, Cris and I danced with each other 4 times. The first time was only for a tiny bit though and before anyone we knew was there. Cris liked the slow dance music and took me out onto the dance floor and we danced for a bit until it turned to some upbeat terrible music. Cris and I then walked out and Cris said "That's some shit" XD. Then we danced to another slow song (this time much longer :D) and it was a song we liked. And then we danced to Thriller X3 XD He refused to do the actual dance (-3-) so we had to improvise. And then after that, we danced to another song that was kinda funky :D ... Never danced with the girls though cause I'm not going to act and look like a stripper in public!!!!!!!!! DX
Then Cris, Julio, and I went outside close to when it was over and we walked down to the park (literally down because the dance was in a building on a hill where all we had to do was walk down to the park) and we talked a bit. We also swan on the swing for a bit. X3 overrall, it was fun.
BUT the only thing that was terrible was, I got 15 calls from a phone number I didn't know even when I clicked ignore. My mom called that number and told them to stop... but they didn't stop -_-'


We woke up early to go to the Japanese trip up to Fishers to go to The Journey :3. We picked up Cris and then all met up in our Club spot. My mom was a chaperone, so we had a truckload of people. We originally had: Julio, John, and Tony, but ended up with Julio, Josh, and Tony... Because Josh didn't want to be in our truck and went with sensei. And Josh didn't want to be alone with Tobi (since they had gotten into a fight) and I offered him a ride with us (which he hugged me tightly and thanked me many times for. XD we had fun in the truck though with everybody lol it was kinda a party in itself.
When we got to The Journey... It was freezing cold! DX Cris and I were hugging because he had a jacket and I was so cold. I also learned something... I don't really like sushi, squid, or mackrel.... And I also love their chocolate fondue fountain OMG THAT FOUNTAIN GIVES YOU AN ORGASM IN YOUR MOUTH! The chocolate with bananas and marshmallows were sooooo good -w- <3.
:3 Aimee, her friend, and I talked a lot to each other when Zack and Cris weren't with us X3 she's really nice XD she took pictures a ton... And Zack ate a baby octopus T^T...
After that, we went to One World Market and we got Japanese items from this grocery store :3 I got a little pink maneki neko, Pokemon candy, and Chocolate Pocky X3... After we left though, Cris started to feel bad D: and I kept asking him why, but he said he didn't know. I asked if he was tired and if he wanted to go home and he said yes, but he didn't say anything else so I took that as him wanting to be alone. So, once we dropped him off at his house, I gave him a hug and told him I'd see him later.
Once I got home, Cris got on the computer and really was sad, he changed his gaia avi's expression and asked me why I left him alone (meaning, why I didn't come with him into his house). I told him that I thought he wanted to be alone since he was tired and wanted to be home. He replied saying that he just got done crying and I apologized. He said he was feeling alone and I apologized, he replied with: ):. I told him I could come over to his house and he replied with: ): again. And I asked if he wanted me over, which he replied yes. So after an hour, because my mom kept delaying me going as long as possible, I was able to go to his house.
When I got there, we hugged and kinda had a crying-fest, but it made us feel better thankfully :3


Today, I took a shower this morning since grandma was going to take me out to lunch and mom and my bro were going with their friends to the Children's Museum and the Zoo. Grandma was going to take me to shop too, but I didn't really want anything and couldn't think of anything I wanted. So we came back home and I checked the movie dates for Jackass 3D, since Dad and I were going to see it. I asked Cris the day before if he wanted to see it with us, but he wansn't online, so I didn't know whether or not he still wanted to go. But he did reply and we went to go pick him up.
XD he was not expecting my dad to NOT be late though, because once I came to his house, I walked in and his mom was a bit confused when I told her that Cris and I were going to the movies to see Jackass... (since Cris ALWAYS tells his mom things at the last minute T.T') And we walked into his room to find him wrapped in a blanket playing his XBox and stunned to see I was there on time. I had to explain that my dad is NOT my mom and ACTUALLY GETS TO PLACES ON TIME, IF NOT EARLIER.
So we went to see the movie... the summary?: Good stunts at first... then poop... then vomit... then more vomit... more vomit... vomit... a ton of crap... vomit... vomit... penis... penis... penis... vomit... more penis... penis... penis... penis...
So yeah... >>'
:3 but Cris and I had fun lol X3 I'm glad things were better today
