Sigh... Bored

Mood: ... Read the title
Watching: AFV (America's Funniest Videos)

I changed the title of my blog to something less long. So, now, you don't have to take a break to say the entire name...
Anyway, last night, my family watched the fireworks. You will not believe this, once the fireworks were over, the ambulance was called to the scene of where we were to see if a man was injured. No, it was not from a firework related casualty... The guy drove his car into a ditch and he hit a metal light pole. OMG, I wish my parents would've drove me by the scene, I would've like to see that up close. Adding to that, I loved this years fireworks. They were so awesome! Different color mixes, different patterns, this year it was a BANG un!
Afterwards, when we got home, I ate cake... YUSH CAKE! I LUVS CAKE! Afterwards, I went to my room, drew a lil and watched Meerkat Manor. I don't know when I went to bed... It was around... five in the morning.
I have an urge to kill flies... I don't know why... Anyway, I guess that's it. Laterz

EDIT: I just realized I'm a Senior Otaku Member now o.O WTH? How'd that happen? Oh well, I'm going to work on my new comic and draw a lil
