Otaku Legend??? o.O

Mood: ... Surprised and not believing what I'm seeing
Watching: Judge Mathis

I'm currently working on The comic for SandLover13 cuz she's awesome like that and I've almost got the first page done.
For some reason, I heard a rumor that Fruits Basket may come on to Adult Swim... I however think the rumor may be bogus and may not happen. I think they may just be saying this just because Death Note's last episode was on Saturday. So, do not take this info into heart, because I'm not positive it's going to be on there, much less believe it's going to be on.
Anyway, Still have my contest going on, check my newest world for the details. And, I have 50 subscribers. *Hurray?* Also, I decided to check my portfolio and... I got a surprise... Instead of it saying Senior Otaku... It said Otaku Legend... O.O I did not beilieve this. Is this a prank or something? Am I losing it ever since Death Note ended? I've been here for about 4 months! How is this possible?! I know I'm online a lot, but DANG! I didn't expect to be a Senior Otaku, much less an Otaku Legend!!! I kinda feel this is a mistake they might've made on the Otaku Legend thing...
Well... Anyone wanna talk? I'm a little bored... I'm like Near without his toys, but not psycho like Mello without his chocolate or Matt without cigarettes...
My dog may be sick... She has been acting strangely ever since she was outside yesterday. She was in the tub last night and she was lying her head against my bedroom door this morning. I hope she's not dying... Dad's going to take her to the vet and see if anything is wrong. Mom things our neighbors might've poisoned her, but dad's not so sure. All I know is Sunny has an upset stomach, but she still walks around the house when she can.
