-insert title-

Mood: srsly bored
Watching: Tru TV

I'm still bored, I'm drawing and I posted up a rant, yet still soo bored.
I had to watch my brother today and it was okay, at first, but that soon changed. No, my bro didn't cause it, my dog did! Since she's sick, she peed on the kitchen floor. WTF?! THAT IS NOT GOOD! SHE'S SUPPOSED TO GO TO THE BACK DOOR AND WHINE IF SHE WANTS OUT, BUT SHE DIDN'T AN MADE A RIVER OF PEE THAT WENT UNDER THE OVEN!!! Then mom got home and wondered why Sunny was on the back porch and what up with the towels. I told her about Sunny peeing on the floor and she was not happy. She cleaned it up and hopefully she can get her scent out of the floor. I'm going to be making Rants... I don't know why, I just feel like it. Well, along with my fanart too. Here's my first rant:

I need to put a second coat of nail polish on my nails. (Itachi)
Yes... I paint my nails cuz it's cool and I'm a girl.
Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooored!
*blows up car* boring
*blows up house* boring
*blows up school* boring
*blows up world* boring
