Birthday Madness

Mood: Bored
Watching: Hell AKA Reruns of Spongebob

My bro's having a birthday party tomorrow, although his actual birthday is on the 6th. *sigh* so that means I won't be on much tomorrow . I finished my entry for Piplup Princess's next contest, but I really don't like how it turned out. I used a different style and I feel like I was on something the way it turned out.
I've entered so many contests it's not funny. I've also got a mission to do for two of the clubs I'm in and I'm down right busy. I'm even running outta paper to draw on. I really wanted to enter contests though cuz I like contests, but I may have taken on more than I could handle.
Inner: Come on! You can do it! Just stop prcrasinating and you should be able to get it done!
I haven't even finished reading!
Inner: But you like drawing better, so you should be able to get this done!
My style of drawing sucks!
Inner: Doesn't matter, you like drawing, you've gotten this far, so you gotta continue!
Fine! I'll do it.
Sorry, had a talk with myself, sorry, I'm weird like that.
Well, I'm still doing fanfics on Teh Biju Club and I'm really starting to wonder if I should delete Teh Pokemon Club again... Well, I guess that's it. Later
