Reunion =_=

Mood: Stressed
Watching: Fairy World Games

You know, family reunions are fudged up. You wanna know why I said fudged? Well, some of the kids were playing Charlie and the Chocolate Factroy and I was forced into it too. I was Mike Teeve... Just cuz I had brought a video game with me... My bro wanted to be Charlie, but he was stuck as an Oompaloompa. Another thing, one of the kids wore no pants! He was just wearing boxer shorts and a t-shirt! I hate reunions. You don't know half the people there and my family is just weird! Thank Jashin we left early!

For me, school starts in three days, two books to go. I'm bored and trying to get a request, three contests, and club drawings. I'm getting started on Midsummer Biju's Dream. I posted the first part on SandLover13 and my shared world Shukaku and Kyuubi's World here's the world's link:
