Friendship doubt

Mood: Undecisive
Watching: Nothing really

I'm kinda nervous and doubting friendship here... My friend has been ignoring me and I'm starting to question if we are even friends. I have the ability to talk to him at school, but he ignores me if he's with any of his guy friends, while my other friend talks to me whenever.

I sware, he's ignoring me cuz I said I was emo and he said I wasn't. I am though. He doesn't understand... He's even a friend online and I'm starting to wonder if I should un-subscribe him. I know he'll unsubscribe me, but I'm wondering if he's my friend or not. I feel lots of doubt... Now I just want to know what I should do. I try and talk to him, but he only talks to me when he's alone, but mostly ignores me online... *sigh* I'm upset and wish I was just in the anime relm...
