Saturday - Deviant Art and Cosplay

Mood: Content
Watching: Cartoons
Listening to: Psycho

Well, Keith called last night, but I didn't answer the phone so I didn't even know he called until mom got home. He's on a camping trip right now so I have to call his mom's cell. I'm trying to put it off though. I think our friendship is over now.

Anyway, about Deviant Art. Teh-Akuma-Yoru is having a contest to draw Minato (Yondaime) I'm thinking on entering if I have the time, but other than that, I found leeluver1 on DA oO I did, she commented on his latest comic.

And I took an Akatsuki cosplay test and they agree that Deidara would be the best cosplay for myself. I'm also trying to find his costume so I can dress up as him for halloween or at cons if we get any near here. So I'm also looking online too.

I'm also drawing my character in Teh Biju Club, Kyuubi in his human form. I think it's turning out good amazingly. I'm almost tempted to draw him doing the sexy jutsu (with clothes on of course pervs) XD
I'm also doing my best to draw the others though, but I'm tied up at the moment with three club commitments. (SojiRem's DN Club, FullmetalCheese's DN Club, and Naomi Bear's Naruto Club) I may also try and Re-draw gaaralovesyou123's OC for his club to if I get the chance since my last one sucked ass.
