Mood: Bored
Watching: Travel Channel
Listening to: Headstrong
Well, another anniversary of the day of the hit twin towers and multiple people dying. Sad and terrible tradgity.
Sorry about not posting lately, homework's a killer.
Before School- Kristin won today. She dressed as Evil Goldilocks. Tobi tried dressing as L, but failed miserably. Joce was a dictator is disguise as a general. I didn't know who Amber was... But guess who I was. Deidara un. Wish I coulda brought my clay...
Algebra- Since I have a C, the teacher's being nice and leeting me retake those in hopes I can change my grade.
History- I passed Julio in the hallway an he had a bag on his head. Nothing remotely interesting happened.
Lang/English- I was mostly passing notes with Amber. Nothing much else happened except I drew mouths on my hands.
Gym- Passed Keith in the hallway while talking with Amber and Joce. He said he was Itachi, but he didn't look it, and, as usual, he's carrying his man-purse around.
Golf was for gym today. I ruled, but it was kinda boring without talking to Catie.
Lunch- I left my flute at home, so after lunch, I went to the office. Amazingly, Jack was there. He knew who I was and asked where my eye-piece was. He thought Itachi blowed up Deidara's other eye, but I explained to him the Deidara vs Sasuke arc. That Deidara just uses it to cover his other eye that can resist the power of the sharingan.
Digital Tools- Nothing worth mentioning
Band- We got two new music pieces. Sabre Dance and a music piece you should know. Smoke on the Water.
Biology- I'm on my teach's site cuz we couldn't access from the school.
After School- Yearbook was cancelled today, so I caught a ride home with Tobi