Monday - Test Week =_=

Mood: Bored
Watching: The Simpsons
Listening to: What's Up People?!

Before School- Today was the start of test week. After visiting with friends at my locker, everyone left me there!
Thanks guys! Kris was the only one to notice I wasn't with the group. And the reason was, she had no one to bug. -_-' Wow... I'm so loved.

Algebra- My grade raised from a D to a B. This was also our testing room. Joce, Amber, and I found out Tobi's testing room is next door. -_-' Crap... jk

History- Due to test week, I won't have until Wednesday... or Thursday

Lang/English- I'm almost finished with the essay that's due at the end of the day tomorrow.

Gym- Botchi ball. The other team me and Catie were playing against quit halfway through the game. And they were winning! In mini-dodgeball, everyone was trying to hit me! I was the last girl, but I avoided getting hit all together. I wasn't even hit out but I was so tired that I faked I was hit.

Lunch- This ass hole I didn't know kept trying to get me to turn around and kept saying I love you. WHAT THE FLIP! I DON'T EVEN KNOW THE GUY! So, I flipped him off and said "STFU"
I've finished my requests, but I need to color them. I showed Joce and Tobi the colored pic of Kyuubi and they thought it rocked! Jared tried stealing my sketch pad and colored pencils though and I hit him. NEVER take an artist;s sketch book unless given permission. It's artist code.

Digital Tools- This prep Sarah wouldn't shut up, so I pretended to hit her with a book, while the teacher was looking. The teacher laughed and Sarah was asking why I tried to kill her.

Band- ... Nothin really...

Biology- We worked with microscopes. No homework. Ian had Naruto as his avatar and I told him I had Deidara as mine. This is the conversation basically:

Ian: Look Caitlin! I'm Naruto see? I put him as my avatar.
Me: Yeah, I have Deidara as mine.
Ian: Who?
Me: Deidara
Ian: Who's that?
Me: A member of Akatsuki
Ian: Which one?
Me: Deidara!
Ian: You mean the guy with the sword?
Me: No! He's the one with the clay bombs
Ian: Oh! He's awesome! He kills a lot of people!
Me: *slaps forehead*

After School- I met up with Tobi at her locker. Joce left early and Kris wondered where she was. After we told her she went to the bus, she left, but came back, glomped me, and gave me a hug. Tobi wanted a hug, gave Kris a hug, then after she let go, Kris kicked her in the butt. (Tobi, Deidara, and Pein moment -_-')
