Monday - Twilight

About the title, me and wolfdemonchild started getting into a conversation about Twilight (the series and the movie). She asked If I saw it because she saw it and has read... I think up to the third. Anyway, she asked for my opinion on the movie. I said it was okay, but they cut out some really good parts and it seemed shorter than I anticipated and she agreed. Then she asked who my favorite character was. I said Edward and Bella were okay, but I kinda liked Alice Cullen. It was actually hard to choose. She agreed on Edward and she was at a tie between Emmett and Jasper. I agreed because I like them too, it's pretty hard to choose your favorite character. Anyway, the explaination will be explained below, because, I have a list of current things I have to do.

[-] means it's less of a priority currently and

  • means I have to get it done


      [-] Re-draw all the members of TBC
      [-] Also draw a contribution to the banner (adding all the banners together)
      [-] Draw my OCs and their profiles

    • Finish the other two missions I have to complete in TMM: Next Generation
    • Thyme Girl's TMM Contest (almost done)
    • Jess's Naruto Story scene Contest (messed up and trying to fix)
      [-] Draw Kyuubi getting attacked by fangirls and fanboys (this came to my mind and I really want to draw it lol)

    • Draw Edward, Emmett, and Jasper from Twilight for wolfdemonchild9
    • Finish Mercury Dragon's prize (chibi Sora I keep messing up and I'm mad at myself now)
    • Draw Xait for Soji's Club (almost done)
      [-] Draw OCs cosplaying as the Cullens off of Twilight: Kyuubi as Edward, Sosha as Emmett, Taro as Jasper, Deiara as Alice, and Celena as Roselia (it popped into my head)
      [-] Get working on TBC's comic

    btw, I'm going to school tomorrow instead of today because of a teacher meeting. I also have to switch from gym to health and computer class to technology. Hope I can remember where to go

  • End